The One I Won't Walk Back

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Days had passed and I was alone once again. The feeling in my gut from watching Emma die still hadn't disappeared and I hadn't eaten since. I was afraid, I was alone, I was dying.

I had found a cave where I'd been hiding, I'd hear rushed footsteps every so often but no one ever found me.

"TRIBUTES." I heard the overhead beam as the voice resonated through the arena. "WE HAVE PLACED A GOLDEN CUP SOMEWHERE IN THE ARENA." I edged out of my cave to look up at the screen, projecting on the see-through arena dome. The cup was there, gold and bright with letters engraved on the side. "IF YOU SO HAPPEN TO FIND THIS CUP, YOU ARE GRANTED FREEDOM AND WILL BE IMMEDIATELY TAKEN OUT OF THE HUNGER GAMES." My jaw dropped slightly as I gazed at the cup. "THANK YOU AND MAY THE ODDS BE EVER IN YOUR FAVOUR." The screen vanished and the arena was still. I took a step back into the cave, when I heard a rustle. My head instinctively jolted to the right, where it was coming from. I could see my spear and bag from where I was. The rustling stopped and I quickly grabbed them both.

Spear once again aimed forward, I slowly edged out. I looked around, I kept turning but the rustling had stopped. It was no longer safe here. I heaved my bag onto my back and started walking again. The arena was still silent. My stomach started to rumble as my knees got weaker. I had to find food.

I walked back to the lake. I was petrified. I couldn't relive the moment I watched her die. But I knew if I didn't, I'd die too.

The lake was as still as the air in the arena, not a tribute in sight. I didn't even know how many of us were left. But I knew Barrone and Lila would still be out there. I took a few steps forward when I saw ripples in the lake, coming from behind a boulder. My eyes widened, my shoulders stiffened as I heard laughter. I heard splashing. "Barrone, you know we're going to find him"


"I just need to end that boy's life." My heart started beating faster as I turned to run away. I forced my way back up the small hill away from the lake, when my spear hit a tree making a loud noise. "What was that?" I heard Lila's voice. The splashing stopped, as did the ripples and I began to run.

I ran and ran until I was back to where the games had begun. The cup.

It was sitting peacefully at the top of the structure, shining brighter than ever. I ran towards it when I saw an arrow fly past it. I looked over to where it was coming from. Sarah. I nearly smiled, something about her brought me comfort. She looked at me and lowered her bow for a second. She waved quickly then began shooting again. Missing every time. I needed to help her. Maybe we could both go home, maybe we'd get to survive together. I began running when I felt a sharp twang on my ankle. I immediately fell to the floor. I quickly laid on my back to see what had caused it. Blood was gushing out from my ankle and a knife was on the floor next to it. I grabbed the knife, I couldn't see who had thrown it so I analyzed it carefully. "Lila" was engraved in cursive. I was holding the knife that killed Emma.

I started feeling faint as my vision started to blur. From what I could see, two figures rushed over. I felt one peel the knife out of my hand. She held it up as I closed my eyes. But nothing happened. I waited, but nothing happened. I opened my eyes, horrified by the thought of what I'd see.

She was gone.

I rested my weight upon my elbow, my other arm resting firmly on my forehead to stop me from passing out. They were gone. I heard faint footsteps rushing up behind me, I turned my head to see Sarah running over, holding the cup. "I got it, Drew!" She said as she collapsed next to me. "I got the cup, come on let's go home!" I sat myself up and looked at the cup. "Come on Drew, hold it with me!" I reached out for the handle, my hand went right through it. I tried grabbing it again, but I couldn't hold on to it. It started vanishing then reappearing. I looked at Sarah who looked as worried as I was. She started to do the same. "Sarah?" I said slowly as she started vanishing. I tried grabbing hold of her hand, but again, I went right through it. "Drew?!" She yelled. This was it. She was free. "Drew, come on!" She pleaded, moving the cup closer to me. I shook my head. "Keep my family safe back home" I joked, smiling at her as tears filled her eyes. "I'll see you soon Drew.." She said, nearly transparent now. I nodded hollow heartedly. "See you soon.." I said, but she was gone. I stared at the empty space for a long time before finally breaking focus and looking down at the floor where a jar and a note was left. I picked them up and read the note.

"This will help the wound."

I looked at my ankle and dropped the note on the floor as I twisted the jar open and dipped my fingers in. I dabbed some onto my cut - now nearly sealed with dry blood - and rubbed it in gently. It was cold and stung, but I knew it would help. I stood up gently, resting my weight on my left foot and arms and hopped back into the forest.

I couldn't help wondering why the second figure - which I assumed was Barrone - didn't let Lila kill me; however, I knew she wouldn't give up. She wasn't going to stop until either I or she was dead.

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