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-September 26, 1996

''We cant keep her. Human society would be too cruel o her if she grows up. You know how the people at the Centre are about this sort of thing. Don't you remember what happened to Daniel? Do you want he same thing to happen to our little girl? Do you!!''

​''I don't, I don't! You know that Henry. I jus really want to see her grow up, her learn about our world..."

​''No, it would be great for her to learn and grow up with the normal humans. She would never have to carry the burden ha we had to when we were children...''

​" Henry, you know that we both carried different burdens throughout our lives but that might not be he same for little, wait, we never named her yet! We will name you Clarisse. Clarisse Dean. I like it, don't you Henry?

​''I love it Danisse. I just wish that she can live a last a semi-normal life. Unlike ours. Do you know that we will eventually have to come out of hiding and face the Changed again.''

​''I know but want to stay hiding just a little while longer. You never know when something might come up and need our, and no one else's attention. All of our attention should be on taking care, safe care, of Clarisse.''

​''There is still the matter of keeping her or not. The humans will think of her as a, what's the word, weirdo? Yes, that's it! And he people from the Center will think her an abomination of the Changed society. Either way she will be disgraced. With that on you mind would you actually think about this.''

​Ill think about it but Henry look at this. She has your bright blue eyes. Someday I would assume that they would become that bright, icy, intense blue just like yours. Funny how genetics work doesn't it? Its just one or the other. I have always wanted to be a geneticist. Maybe I sill can. What do you think Henry? Of he eye color and he job, once things settle down.
​ I think that once things settle down you should totally apply to become a geneticist. Imagine her hair. Clarisse I mean. It will probably, based on genetics be like your curly red hair, not my flimsy brown hair. I still don't know if we should keep her or not. Which world is safer? What world will she actually have a life? An actual life where she isn't called a weirdo, an abomination of society, or a, hey Danisse, what's this on her wrist?

​"Which one? Her left or right? I can't tell from here."

"On he inside of her left wrist. It looks like a star mark. And if you take a closer look its.... Blue?"

Is it, no it can't be, it not he mark, it's not the mark, it can be! She's too young! Thanks to this the Changed will be able track and find her, find us! It's too risky for her here. Where will she be safe Henry? Where!!!

I know where! We can take her to the willow tree next to the orphanage. The right people will find her. They always do. We need go now. We need to go now to ensure her safety.

​Les go then! We need to get her to safety as quick as possible. What do normal people say again, ASAP? Yes, that's it. Now lets go, go, go!

​The couple stared to walk down the short path to he orphanage. Danisse decided at they should write letters and notes for her for when she grows up. Thy also included family photos that were passed down from generation to generation along with toys, books, some objects from their childhoods, and a music box that played this lullaby

Take me to the willow tree
Lay me down by the branch side
Sing me a beautiful lullaby
And watch me fall asleep

Danisse planed to sing this lullaby to the newborn Clarisse when they left her. They put all of those things in a box. Then Henry enchanted the box not to open until the time is right. By that time they had finished the walk and stopped fantasizing about her future.

They found the willow tree but, as always, they stopped to take in the picturesque area. There was a semi-clear river behind an enormous willow tree that could make you seem like and ant. If you look closely at the river, the Jamesday River 2, you could see is extremely muddy banks. The tree had long branches that are almost like vines hat touch the ground. The grass was neat and perfect because no one came back to the tree much. This helped it keep most of its glory. At the opposite side of he bank there are logs and tree branches that got suck in the muddy bottom of the river.

After taking in the scenery the couple each took turns holding their now about 4 hour old daughter and saying their goodbyes. Henry made a little bed for her out of he soft willow leaves. Slowly and carefully Danisse lowered Clarisse into the make shift bed. As she did so she sang the lullaby. The Danisse and Clarisse started to cry.

"Sa chérie ok. Votre sécurité ici. " Danisse said (its ok darling. Your safe here. )
​"I know her middle name!" said Henry

" What is it? Said Danisse

​" Willow. Clarisse Willow Dean "

Little did the couple know, but their daughter just might make history one day

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