Date Part 1

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Dear Diary,

It's been a week since we got back from Italy our parents were mad at us for leaving and not telling them. But when Aunt Rebecca left I told my mom what happend then she understood. So I'm not grounded neither is Skye Idk how my mom managed that one but she did.

Rosie you won't believe what just happened. What? I found him. Who? My imprint. Omg who is it? I don't know I just saw him he's a new shapeshifter. Oh well I don't know who it is I'm not the Alpha of the newer ones. Really? Yeah when my dad made the pack for the younger ones which Gracie is in I got to pick which one I wanted and I picked the older ones so when they get to a certain age that's when they come to me. What age? Oh well it depends when the gene took over with Gracie she only has a few more years till she is old enough for my pack I think Sam set the limit at 5 years of training with who ever is taking over the pack once my dad steps down from it which will be in 9 days. If I remember right my dad picked you. Yeah Leah was telling me about that when I was sick and I came here and Sue was taking care of me. WAIT WHAT? Oh yeah you didn't know about that since you don't talk to Leah. Seth didn't tell you? He told my sister that his mom was taking care of someone and that they are leaving soon. Oh well that was me. That also means you meet Charlie. Yes I met him. That's my great grandpa my mom's grandpa. Oh does he know about your mom and you. Yes he knows about vampires and shapeshifters he really doesn't like to talk about it it's weird to him. Ah that makes sense. Come on let's go hunt in starving. Me too Rosie. We dash into the forest and wait. I smell a deer and Skye takes off I stay put. Let her have that one I tell myself when I can smell the blood. Then I smell another deer and I take off and pounce when I'm close enough. I can hear it's heart racing then I sink my teeth in and suck in feeling the life slowly disappear. I can hear Skye not that far away. When I'm done I run to her. Race you to the Cullens. Your on she says. On your mark. Get set. Go. We dash thought the forest as fast as we could go. When we get there Emmett's outside Rosie won. Wait what no fair she cheated. How did I cheat you took off be for the go. She knew this wasn't true she just hated to lose and we both knew this. Whatever Skye. I walk into the house. Carlisle I'm here for my checkup. In my office. I walk to Carlisle office and sit on the exam table. All right let's see how the twins are doing. I lay down and Skye is beside me we've been inseparable since we got back to La Push a week ago. Looks like there fine they've slowed down and are growing at a normal rate. See I told you they'd be fine Skye said laughing a little. I've been worried with all the drama that's happend they might not be okay. I sit up and get down. Skye and I stayed for a little while and talked and goofed around. Race you back to La Push. "Your on" I say. Then she runs off without warning. She beats me to La Push. We're walking on the beach when she tugged my arm and showed me the guy that she thought was her imprint. We walk over there and he stops what he's doing and I can feel the bound that was made between them. Ah yes one gift that Skye doesn't have and will never get I can feel the bounds between people and I can feel this one is strong it's definitely an imprint. I know him he's Logan he just phased a few days ago he has short brown hair and brown eyes he is maybe no taller the 5"3. Logan hi and Skye says it back I walk off while they talk. Hey Rosie. Hi Eligh I can feel the smile on my face I missed him so much this past week he went to New York to visit family and got back late last night. Do you want to go on a date to night. I'd love too. Good I'll come get you around 7. Okay. I have to go unpack but I'll see you later. Later.

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