chapter 1

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 “Come on Bree, let’s go!" Zoe hollered up the steps.

“Coming!” I screamed back down.

I sprinted down the steps, slamming the front door behind me.

 “Jake totally has a thing for you again, Bree.” Jaycie winked at me as we crossed the street to jakes house.

“Oh whatever.”  I rolled my eyes sarcastically.

“She’s right Bree,  that was not just a friendly hug.  That was an ‘I want to get in your pants’ kind of hug.” Zoe added.

“Zoe!” I giggled, playfully punching her arm.

“Well, it was!” She said defensively.

 “Knock Knock.”  Zoe said, walking into Jake’s house without actually knocking.

“I think I finally understand why parent’s like you so much.” I teased her as we made our way downstairs.

“No one answered the door, so we just came in.” Zoe told Jake, as she made herself comfortable in the corner of the sofa.

“Yeah, or you just didn’t knock.” I mumbled under my breath, shooting her an accusing look.

“Yeah, that too.” She said, shoving a few chips in her mouth.

“So, what do you guys want to do?” Noah asked.  “I mean, it has to be something crazy, this is Bree’s first time home in 2 years.”

“How about we go egg that house down the street.  You know, the red one?” Ryan suggested.

“I said crazy, not illegal.” Noah said, wrapping his arms around Jaycie.

 “How about we play spin the bottle?” Zoe offered.

 “Fine.” Noah agreed.  “But we have to do something better later.”

“I’ll go get the bottle.” I said, standing up.

“Are you sure you remember where it’s at?  I could help you.” Jake offered.

“I think I’ll be fine.” I smiled slightly, walking up the stairs to the kitchen.

I searched through the kitchen cabinets for an empty wine bottle.

Usually, Jake kept it above the fridge, but he must’ve moved it, because it wasn’t there anymore.

As I turned to look underneath the microwave, I felt myself press against Jakes warm chest.

It was only after that, that I realized we were falling to the floor.

“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry!” I blurted.

“Bree, it’s fine.” He smiled, helping us both up from the floor.

I felt his breath brush against my cheek as I stood up.

We were standing a lot closer than I had thought.

His piercing brown eyes stared into mine, and I realized my hands were still gripping his arms from the fall.

As he leaned into kiss me, I pulled away, knowing that I couldn’t give him what he wanted.

Not yet, anyways.

“We should probably get back downstairs.” I muttered, pushing a few strands of hair out of my face.

“Y-yeah.” He stuttered, snapping back into reality and grabbing an empty bottle off of a shelf.

Pulling in Jake was going to be a lot easier than I had planned.

Sure, maybe he was a different person than he was two years ago.

It didn’t matter though, I was going to teach him a lesson.

I was going to teach him that when you play with fire, you get burned.

Not only that, but I was going to teach the player,

 How to play the game.

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