Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

The next day I got a few visitors, some friends, some relatives. Mandy, Sophie and Harry came for a while and it was nice to see them. It still didn't make me feel much better as I was lonely for most of the day... I would be able to go back to school in a few days but in a wheelchair since both my legs were broken. I hadn't got over the fact Mandy and Harry were together yet... but I might in time.

Mandy's POV

I feel really sorry for Alice. She's had to go through so much and it probably didn't help with me and Harry. But when I went to visit her, she didn't seem that angry with me... Maybe she's getting over Harry! Yay! I love him so much and I can't carry on like this if she's going to look like she's about to kill me every time I kiss him! 

Harry's POV

I felt kind of guilty visiting Alice. She seemed ok but I think she's still hurting inside. It was awkward and I did feel really sad that I was the only guy she actually fancied.

I went to school the next day with Mandy. I loved this girl so much, she was so beautiful. That was the thing about her - I would never tire of her big brown eyes and flowing brunette locks. But Alice had attractive eyes too... not big, but they too were brown and you could always tell her emotion through them. Alice? Why am I thinking about her? Ok, back to Mandy.

When I got to school, I met up with some of my mates and we walked to registration as I was in a different tutor to my girlfriend. It was a boring school day and the only enjoyment I got was when I was in the same lessons as Mandy or at break and lunch where I could play football. Eventually, it was time to go home and I didn't go home straight away because me, Alex and a few others stayed to play football on the school field. Today, Mandy joined us.

Alex's POV

Mandy? What was she doing here? Only reason she dumped me was because she liked my friend, Harry more than me. Huh, I didn't see anything good about him... He was smart and quite a good player but that's about it. Is she friends with Alice again? Wasn't sure. All I want to focus on for now is football. It's less complicated and doesn't take too much effort.

Alice's POV

It was another boring day in the hospital and I'd written about 10 more poems, bored out of my mind. When mum came to see me, I was elated! "MUM!" I shouted.

"ALICE!" she shouted back, coming over to my bed with a great big teddy under her arm. "I missed you." she said to me.

Hugging the teddy she gave to me, I replied "I missed you too."

"Al, I.. I need to tell you something." she seemed reluctant to go on. Instantly, my mood shot down.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Your dad and I are getting a divorce. I've started seeing someone else." mum said, on the edge of tears.

"What...? Why...? How...?" I blurted out quickly, in disbelief.

"I'm sorry, but... you must have heard us arguing all the time. It wasn't working and I..." mum replied.

"No, I didn't..." I cut her off. "Can I have some time to digest this?"

"Sure sweetie. Again, I'm sorry." she said as she turned away to leave. I lay there, in shock. I never suspected a thing! Oh but... I remember now! She was out for ages at that friend's house! That must have been this new guy she's seeing. Why didn't she tell me? Sighing, I took out my special book and began to read one of my poems. Maybe it would make me feel better.

It's all over now,

I love you no more,

We are drifting apart,

What am I waiting for?

Why am I still lonely?

And reluctant to move on,

I wish I could know,

Why this bag weighs a ton.

I'm really weighed down,

My heart still aches,

I want this feeling to stop,

No matter what it takes.

My life is so complex,

I don't know what to do,

Do you get this feeling?

Do y'know what I'm going through?

 I wonder what will happen,

Will I fall in love?

I don't know what the future holds,

Will I soar like a dove?

Silly thoughts and feelings,

Making me feel sad,

I wish I had somebody,

That isn't all that bad.

That would understand me,

And love me for who I am,

So that I can be happy,

As happy as a clam!

Smiling, I closed my book. Somehow, that poem always managed to make me feel better. A yawn escaped from my mouth and, seeing as I'd have no more visitors until later, I had a little nap...

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