Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

I stared at Harry, willing him to explain.

"Get out!" I cried.

He got up and said "Fine then, I will. I just came to see you before you went to the hospital. I didn't think I'd get to see you before school and the news is way too important to wait."

"What news? What is it?" I yelled.

"I'm going to die!" Harry shouted at me, his voice wavering. There was pain and anger in his eyes, but most of all, fear.

"Harry...? What do you mean...?" I asked, getting out of bed. But he was already gone. He ran out of my room, down the stairs and out of the house.

The realisation of what he'd just said sunk in. My face drained of colour. Harry was going to die. I just couldn't understand. Why did everything good in my life always turn out to be so complicated? I looked down at myself and saw I was still in my pyjamas. Grabbing my clothes, I changed then walked downstairs only to find my Mum standing there screaming at me.

"What was Harry doing here? When did he come? Why didn't you tell me? What's up with him? He ran out in tears! You're late up, we have to go in a minute! Do you want breakfast? No, we don't have time. Look, just get in the car, okay?"

The words breezed past me and all I heard was blah blah blah...What did Harry mean by he's going to die?

Harry's POV

I had to get away from Alice. I knew it was a bad idea going to see her. It just made me think... soon I will lose everything. Everyone close to me, my possessions, my LIFE...

Ever since that doctor's appointment, everything has changed. I found out I had a tumour in my brain that they can't operate on. Not sure why... I guess it's really bad. Seeing as I don't have long left to live and all. I just cannot get used to that. It's scary... No, terrifying!

What am I going to do?

What am I going to do?


Alice's POV

I came out of the hospital, free from my casts. It felt so good to have them off but also really weird. I texted Harry.

Just out of hospital x Really need to talk about earlier :/ What did you mean? x

I sighed and got into the car, trying to make sense of everything. Strangely, Mum didn't start the car. She just sat there.

"Mum?" I said.

"Sorry darling, in a dream world." she replied and shook her head. "Is everything alright with Harry?"

"Yeah I guess." I said, not wanting to tell her about what he'd told me.

"Then why were you shouting at each other this morning and why did Harry run out of the house crying?!" Mum snapped.

"Just had a fight." I replied simply, my anger rising.

"I'm not stupid! It has got to be more than that." she said suspiciously.

"Leave me alone Mum! You don't have to know everything that's going on in my private life!" I shouted at her.

"Okay, okay." she said. "You have a nice singing voice you know."

I jumped at the sudden change of subject, but went along with it. "Thanks." I replied, my anger still slightly bottled up.

"Should I get you singing lessons? They would really help and..."

"Do you really think I'm in the right mood to talk about this?" I interrupted.

"No I guess not." Mum shrugged. She started the car and drove out of the hospital car park. There was a tense atmosphere while I thought. Why was Mum acting so weird? Suddenly I remembered. Dad! I still needed to see my dad!

"Mum, can I see dad now?" I asked.

"Mmmm?" she said, obviously not hearing me.

"Can I see dad?" I repeated.

"Yes of course, soon." she replied.

"Now." I said firmly.

She looked at me and said in bewilderment "Now?"

"Yes what did you think I meant?!" I almost screamed.

Mum just sighed and nodded. She drove the normal way we would go home, then turned off at the last minute to a road that I didn't recognise. There were a block of flats up ahead. I guessed this was where Dad was staying. She stopped the car. "Just go see him and we'll arrange a time for you to stay over later, okay? He lives on the second floor, room 56."

"Okay" I said. "Thanks Mum" She just nodded her head again and I got out the car.

Walking into the block of flats, I noticed it wasn't the most fancy place in the world, but it wasn't too bad either. Dad must be doing okay. I went up in the lift onto the second floor and walked along the corridor to door 56. Soon enough, I found it and knocked on the door.

And I waited.

And waited.

And waited.

And waited.

Until finally Dad came to the door. "Hey Alice!" he said happily. "How come you're here?"

"I asked Mum as we were driving back from the hospital and she said I could come see you!" I smiled. What had taken Dad so long to get to the door?

"Are you busy or can I come in?" I asked.

Dad shifted from side to side awkwardly. "I'm a bit...caught up at the moment but you can come see me next Saturday." he said.

"Danny? Who's at the door?" a female voice said. It sounded remarkably like... No it couldn't be.

"Urmmm... I guess I'll go then." I said slowly.

Just then, my suspicions were confirmed. "Alice?" my headteacher said as she poked her head round the door.

I had to get out of there. This was too weird!

"Alice wait! Don't go!" my dad called after me.

But I was running down the stairs as fast as possible. Did I just see that? Did I? Sadly, I think so.

My dad. My headteacher.

Could my life get any stranger?


Hey everyone!

Sorry it's been a while since the last upload. What did you think?

Big shock about Harry! :O

Remember to vote/comment/like!

Love you all,

Emily x

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