Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

I waited patiently, wondering what it could be that made Mum so reluctant to let me see Dad.

"It's just that...your dad...he..." Mum started.

"Hurry up and say it!" I snapped.

"He...has a new girlfriend." she said.

"So? What about her?" I asked angrily. Why didn't Mum want me to see this girlfriend of dad's? I liked Josh so what's wrong with dad's girl? I had no idea what this was about and intended to find out.

"I don't think you'll like her." she sighed. What? Was that it?!

"Maybe I will! How would you know?" I retorted, still fuming.

Mum just shook her head and sighed again. She moved towards the door but paused before leaving. "You'll see." she said quietly. "You'll see." She walked out of the room and I shut the door behind her. Collapsing onto my bed, I plugged my headphones back into my ears. I hadn't paused it so there was a completely different song playing to what I was listening to before.

Heart Skips a Beat - Olly Murs feat. Rizzle Kicks. I loved this song! My good mood returned immediately as I nodded my head along to the beat. I wasn't going to risk singing out load for fear of Mum coming in and hearing me.

Mum's POV

I really wish Alice would listen to me. If she knew, she wouldn't even think about going to see her dad. His new girlfriend is the headteacher! She absolutely hates her... No idea how we both found love with teachers... Kind of ironic really. Anyway, I shouldn't care who he's with seeing as I love Josh now. I'd understand anyone else. But her...What on earth was he thinking?

Alice's POV

I sat at my desk, thinking about Harry. I loved him so much... That kiss at lunch time today was incredible and it was one moment I would never forget. I pictured us together, my arms round his neck. He pulled me close and kissed me. I sighed dreamily but my thoughts were interrupted by my iPod suddenly cutting off because it had run out of battery. Ugh...

The next thing on my mind was Mandy. How was she getting on at her new school? I knew I shouldn't bother to think about her but part of me still cared how she was and what she was doing. When you lose a friend, part of them is still with you. You will always have the memories, good or bad. Mandy was a good best friend to me, but that was all in the past. I've moved on and so has she. I guess we just couldn't be friends...

At that moment, somehow I just knew that Mandy was ok, so I stopped thinking so deeply about everything. As if on cue, my stomach growled and I went downstairs to get something to eat.

Mandy's POV

Brinton High School is amazing! There's loads of lovely people and I even have my eye on a guy here... I can forget about Alice and Harry and all my old friends and just be with my new ones, starting afresh! Sure, it hurt losing them, but I can find new happiness here and be myself.

Alice's POV

The end of the day dragged on and soon it was time to go to bed. I was truly exhausted and pulled out my phone to turn it off before going to sleep. There were about 5 new messages from Harry. What did he want? I opened the first one and read...

Hey x

Pretty normal and it just suggested he wanted a chat. The next one said...

Hello??? x

Again, normal but he was a little frustrated I wasn't replying. I scrolled down to the third message...

Alice! Need to talk to u! Please reply!

Okay, now he's getting stressy. Reluctantly I opened the next one...

What is wrong with u?!?! REPLY

I don't think I could bare it any longer. This must be something urgent. Slowly, I opened the last one...

Look, I need to talk to u and u aren't replying but at some point u will see this message. Meet me at the park near the school at 12 tomoz. Really important. I'm curious. What could he want to talk to me about? He can't dump me already! No. No he wouldn't. I'm just getting paranoid. Yes, that's it. HAHA. I'm so pathetic, thinking my boyfriend who I've been going out with since this morning has changed his mind. Of course he hasn't!

I clicked on "Reply" and said...

What's this about then? Why is it so urgent? :S Ur scaring me Harry x

In the space of about ten seconds he replied...

Sorry babe, tell you tomoz x Love you <3

Well that was a change of tone. Going along with it, I replied...

Okay :) See ya tomoz x Love you too <3

My heart was beating fast. I was so worried... What if he did dump me? But he couldn't, not after that last text. He called me babe!

I decided to stop worrying and go to sleep. But just as my head hit the pillow, I remembered. My legs. Casts. Off. Tomorrow. 12. I guess Harry would have to wait.

Sorry! Can't do tomoz! :( Casts off at 12! Finally :D Same time and place just on Sunday instead? x

I waited for Harry to reply but it was pointless, seeing as the message was the dreaded...


Crashing down back onto my pillow, I lay and slept. Or at least tried to... He was sending me mixed signals but I didn't know which to believe. I had so many questions buzzing around in my head. In an attempt to take my mind off it, I hummed the tune of Heart Skips a Beat to myself and my eyes were soon getting droopy. Slowly and softly, I drifted off to sleep.

*Alice's Dream*

I sat in the classroom, making a model of some kind. I was being very careful and precise in making it. I knew that if it was good, I would win for sure. Harry came over to me and hugged me from behind. "That's amazing" he said. I smiled briefly then shooed him away. He would wreck my work. He nodded in understanding, then let me get on with my model. Once it had been finished, I smiled triumphantly. I maneuvered it over to the judging table. The results were announced and, unsurprisingly, I had won the contest. I jumped up in joy, then the classroom faded.

I was suddenly in a tent of some sort with Harry. He stared right through me. His eyes were searching my face, as if he was looking for an answer. He leaned forward, then shook his head and retreated back. "Do you love me Alice? Do you really?" Harry said menacingly. My heart was in my mouth. "Say something! Do you?" he shouted at me. I was incapable of speaking and just sat, frozen to the spot. "Obviously not. Mabe I don't love you either. Maybe I should get out of your life right now. Would that be easier?" Harry screamed manically. I tried to back away but he grabbed me. I struggled under his grip but was still incapable of speech so I couldn't cry for help. "If I loved you, would I do this...?" He pulled out a knife and I looked at it in shock. He plunged it down towards my chest. Just before the knife touched flesh, I screamed.

I woke up screaming, hot and sweaty. My heart was beating at a million miles an hour. But what scared me the most wasn't the dream....

...It was the fact that Harry was sitting at the end of my bed, eyes wide. "Alice! You're awake! Did you have a nightmare? That was a very loud scream, hurt my ears!" he laughed. "So...would you like some breakfast?"

I stared at him in disbelief. What on earth was he doing here?


Oooooooo scary!!!!!

Sorry I haven't updated for like ages but I've been busy x

What did you all think of this chapter? Hope it was alright :)

Thanks to all my loyal readers and watch this space for the next installment!

Love ya!

Emily x

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