12: Stolls Can't Get Hypothermia

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"It's a dare," Travis said. "Stolls never back out!"

Clarisse rolled her eyes. "And to think you survived all these years."

"Dare," Frank muttered. "Hm... what to do..."

Travis turned to his brother. "Seriously, I don't think that Chinese-dude can do anything bad to me."

Connor looked unconvinced. "He's pretty cool," he murmured. "But only because he can turn into an elephant! And those are, like, my favourite animals!"

"I dare you to Moon in front of Katie Gardner," Frank grinned. "I guess that isn't hard, considering that I am 'that Chinese dude' and can't do anything bad."

"I regret those words," Travis moaned.

Thalia laughed. "Oh gods, Frank, that was the best dare ever!" she held out her hand, as Frank high-fived her.

"They're mocking me!" Travis complained. "So either I ruin my love life, or I have to jump in a lake with no clothes on." He weighed both options. Katie would never speak to him again, so he chose the option of the lake. Grumbling and walking towards the water, he pulled his shirt off. "Uh, can't I, like, pull off my boxers in the water?"

"Guess so." Frank shrugged. "Nobody wants to look at your butt."

"Hold on," Jason pointed out. "You have to jump in the water with no clothes on."

"Dude! You're such a chicken!" Connor interrupted. "C'mon, bro! For the Hermes Cabin! For the sake of your rep! Or even for me!"

Travis pulled off his jeans. "Sorry, bro. But this man has GOT to take the plunge."

"You turned a dare down," Thalia said in a sing-song voice. "That's a shocker."

Travis turned red. "Wait a second - if I come out, how am I supposed to dry myself?"

"Your problem, not mine," Frank said. He was actually enjoying the game now.

Piper whispered to Leo, and when they pulled away, both of them had a mischievous look on their faces.

As Travis reluctantly dived, Leo rushed and grabbed Travis' clothes. "Dump them in the water or hide them?" Leo asked.

"Water!" The demigods cheered.

As Leo made a dramatic show of dumping it, a naked Travis stood up yelling "Give it back!"

Eyes widening, Leo's hands got on fire, burning Travis' clothes. "Oops," he muttered.

"Argh!" Travis hastily sank back into the water.

"What is happening?" A voice asked, soon arriving in front of Travis.

"Katie?" Travis' face burned. "Oh, gods!"

"Hi," Leo said. "We're just playing truth or dare." He stood in front of Travis, just in case there was something that was totally unspeakable of...

"Why is Travis in the water?" Katie asked.

Grinning at Travis, Leo winked, then turned back to Katie. "He had to jump in with no clothes on. And fortunately for you, I burned it."

"His clothes?!" Katie shrieked. "Oh gods! Don't leave him like that! He could catch hypothermia... or worse!"

"All he caught was embarrassment," Connor quipped to Frank. "Plus, it's a known fact that Stolls can't get hypothermia."

Frank actually did look guilty, as he scrambled somewhere, probably to get some clothes.

"So, um, are you okay back there?" Katie asked awakwardly.

"I'm fine," Leo replied cheerfully. "You know, just covering a naked demigod. All in a days work, right?"

"Not you!" Katie scowled. "I'm talking to Travis."

"I am not fine," Travis mumbled.

"I'm here!" Frank Zhang ran out, with pants and a Camp Half-Blood t-shirt. "Uh, the underwear is folded in the t-shirt."

"And you can use my towel," Annabeth jumped in, throwing one that had books and owls all over it, probably a souvenir from the Athena Cabin.

"Whoa..." Percy's jaw dropped open. "You carry rainbow dye and a towel? What else do you have?"

Annabeth opened her backpack. "Sunscreen, computer, ball cap, dagger, bottle..."

Connor pretended to snore, as Annabeth swatted him.

"Hey, can I join?" Katie questioned, coming over.

"The game?" Leo said in disbelief. "After what happened to Stoll over there?"

All eyes turned over to Travis, who was still red. "Hey! I'm changing here!" he yelled. "Look somewhere else!"

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