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Her heart beat erratically in her chest and her lungs burned, but she did not let up, no she pushed herself to go faster. Branches slapped at her face, tore her nightgown, and rocks dug into her feet, but she didn't stop. The sound of snarls and the beating of hands and paws against the ground made her run like hells flames were at her heels.

Come on. Go.

She felt the hot breath of one of the beasts and a sob left her. Oh God no. A creature dropped down from the trees before her just as the one behind her grabbed her ankle. She catapulted to the ground, her face slamming against the Earth, and rendering her unconscious as the monsters closed in around her, ready to feast upon her fleash.



The young girl, with her glasses perched on her nose and her blue braces covered teeth gnawing her lip, looked up from her history book, her study session being interrupted by none other than Elizabeth Bradshaw. Elizabeth plopped down beside Hima and slung her arm over her shoulder. "Whatcha doin'?" She asked flashing a pink braces smile.

Hima tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "I was studying." Hima was hoping Liza would get the hint and be quiet but of course Hima never got what she wanted. "So, guess what." Before Hima could say anything the chatty girl continued. "We have two new students and they are so hot. Especially the blue haired one. He's so cute, in the shy-boy-next-door type way."

As Liza carried on and on about the cute boys Hima merely nodded as she always did when Liza started talking, seeming to never stop for a breath. Unlike Liza, Hima was more interested in her books than cute boys. She didn't have time and she was afraid to be near a boy for every time she was near one she managed to make a fool of herself. So she decided to avoid boys and focus on school.

"Oh, and Stephanie Scrimshaw is missing. Hasn't been seen for two days tops. Soon, she will be considered a missing person and there'll be search parties out looking for her." Hima gasped slightly, her heartbreaking for the 13 year old. "Awe, I hope she's okay." Liza nodded in agreement. "Me too."


Hima and Liza gasped, their eyes going wide.

"Oh no!"

Pic of Himawari and Liza

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