Chapter Three

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Pic of Drake and Astrid>>>>>>>>

Hima starred at her TV, shocked and saddened by what she just heard. She looked to her mother, Aia, her jaw slackened. "What could have done that mama?"

Aia shrugged. "I do not know Sunflower." She shook her head and smiled at Hima. "Go to school. Do not let this eat you up okay?"

Hima nodded and stood. She bid her mother goodbye and left, struggling to not think of the poor girl. You didn't even know Stephanie that well. Her reasonable self whispered. Hima sighed. But still, she was so young. Oh great now she was depressed. She specifically went against what her mother told her to do. Hima gasped. I'm being disobedient! Gah, could this day get—


Hima fell back, landing hard on her ass. 

"Are you okay?!" 

She looked up and all thought left her. Oh my God. A red light flashed in her head, all the alarms going off. Alert! Alert! Male! Alert

"Um, excuse me?" 

Hima blinked and nodded. "I-I'm fine." She slowly stood, taking in his camouflage pants and black shirt. Beside him stood a tall female, her gaze studying Hima.

"What happened to your nose kid?" The female asked.

"Oh, um, my friend and I were playing volleyball and she spiked it. My reflexes aren't so good."

The woman hissed. "It looks like it hurt." 

Hima looked to the ground. "It did which is odd seeing as my friend is smaller than me-" She shrugged. "-but I didn't question her." Hima checked her watch. "I-I have to go." She rushed past the two strangers, scolding herself for babbling. They didn't need to know. It was none of their business.

Hima shook her head. Stupid stupid Himawari.


"Now how could a human shorter than her cause that much damage. The girl's face is bruised and broken." 

Drake frowned. "That's because her friend isn't human." 

Astrid smirked. "Makes sense. Shall we investigate?"

"I distract, you interrogate."


Dean froze, his nose twitching as he sniffed the air. What is that? Something smelt...odd. Dean scented smoke and some sort of flower. I've scented this before. But he couldn't remember where or when. 

He looked to Pete who had a frown on his face as well, his nose twitching. "Psst, Pete." 

The male looked at his friend. "Yeah, Dean?"

"Do you smell that?"

Pete opened his mouth to reply only to be cut off by Mr.Newman. "Dean, keep chatting and I'll give you detention. Your grades aren't so good so I suggest you pay attention and Pete, do not let your brother drag you down."

Pete nodded whilst Dean glared, his black claws digging into the flesh and bone of his palm. I really hate school.


A shadow fell over Hima and she slowly looked up, her jaw dropping. It was the man from earlier. Okay, I'm scared now.

He sat on the bench beside her, placing his arm over the back. "I never got the chance to give you a proper sorry." 

Hima starred at him, completely dumbstruck. Say something. "Oh, um, t-t-that's fine." She slowly reached into the pocket of her skirt palming her inhaler. She could feel her chest tightening from the anxiety. 

"I'm Drake by the way."


He smiled. "Sunflower suits you well Himawari."

She blushed, the tightness in her chest intensifying. She was finding it harder and harder to breathe with each passing moment. You need a puff of your inhaler or else you'll pass out

"Go ahead. Use your inhaler."

Hima reeled. ""

"I can tell breathing is getting harder for you, also I used to suffer from panic attacks myself. Go ahead."

Hima quickly pulled out her inhaler and took the lid off the mouth. She puffed once, held her breath then puffed again. After holding her breath for a few seconds she released it. Hima looked at Drake, her expression vulnerable and fretful. 

He smiled. "It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you." 

Then why do I not feel safe?


Elizabeth glared at the female, her lips curled into a silent snarl. "Move hunter."

"Make me witch."

The two females stood in the empty hallway, both unwilling to make the first move. "Why do you bother yourself with me? I've done no purposeful harm."

"You're not the one we're after. There may be a wolf in town. It has already taken one life. It will take another."

Elizabeth scoffed. "You're wasting your time hunter. I would have known had another monster stepped onto my turf. There is no werewolf."

The hunter smiled. "That's a lie."

Elizabeth growled, her palms glowing with power. "The one thing witches hate is to be called liars. We can never lie."

The hunter stepped back. "I'm not saying you're lying perse, I'm just saying that maybe the truth to you but isn't the truth. I believe this wolf is apart of a pack of Lycan, non-purebred werewolves."

Elizabeth cocked her head. "We did get two new boys. But they can't be wolves."

The hunter inclined her head. "What are their names?"

"Keith and Luke. Do not kill them until proven guilty. I don't want my coven to know there are hunters in town. I do not wish to move again for another hundred years."

The hunter rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. No killing until proven guilty."

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