Chapter One

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His head beat against the wall of the shower, cracking the tiles with each thump. His hands were placed firmly against the wall, his body facing away from the shower head. The hot water of the shower washed away the blood from his body, but sadly it couldn't wash it from his tortured mind.

He wanted to scream, to curse, to blast his brains out for the sixth time, but none of that would bring their victim back. The others were affected just as deeply as he was. Two not even wanting to go to school, fearing their peers would see the blood on their cleaned until raw hands. The other two were in their rooms cursing themselves and what they were.

I'm so sorry.

This was all his fault. His friends and those two kids were monsters because of him. Were killers. God, he wished he could kill himself, but he couldn't. His kind couldn't take their own life, no matter how hard they tried. No matter how much they pleaded.


"Late again I see." Hima cast her eyes to the floor as Liza glared at the gym teacher, not liking her snarky tone. "Well, don't stand there, go change then sit."

The two girls went to the locker room and changed into the gym uniform, which was a tank-that strained against Hima's breasts-with the school logo, and black shorts, that showed just how big Hima's heart shaped butt really was.

When they walked back into the gym, they headed over to the filled up bleachers, and sat behind two boys, at the top of the bleachers. Hima was a little uneasy because one, they were boys, and two, they were the Maya boys. Very suspicious and always having this aurora of death around them.

Everyone who sensed it avoided them but there were some-Bridget and her prep squad-who were too blinded by lust to sense the danger these two seemingly harmless boys carried everywhere they went. Pete and Dean were some freaky boys and Hima and Liza were very uneasy.  "Okay class, we will be doing boy girl vs boy girl volley ball games out on the court-" Hima's head fell. "-and I shall pick the teams." Liza face palmed herself. "Well shit." Coach Palmer called out names, telling each student who they'd be paired with. "Himawari and Pete vs Elizabeth and Dean." Oh my God. Hima felt like feinting where as Liza was spewing dark curses. "Alright get with your partner, grab a ball and go outside to a court!"


All eyes looked to the door as Dean and Pete stepped into the dining room, plopping into a chair. Dean had a smirk on his face while Pete had a frown on his. Vinnie leaned back in his seat, a brow raised. "So, how was school?" Pete opened his mouth, closed it, opened it again, closed it then shook his head. Dean scoffed. "Boring up until gym. Just know it evolved this sexy, curvy chick and a volleyball."

Luther leaned forward, now intrigued with what happened. Maya had to admit, he was curious as to happened with this curvy female and a volleyball as well. "Go on."

This time Pete spoke. "So I was paired with a shy girl named Himawari and Dean with a girl named Elizabeth. Me and Himawari versed Dean and Elizabeth at volleyball and right when the game starts Elizabeth serves the ball, I hit it back and she then spikes it back and Himawari wasn't paying attention and got hit in the face, her nose breaking. I caught her as she fell unconscious and eased her to the ground and stood, getting ready to get the coach.

"Elizabeth freaked out and knocked me to the ground, hard, and attempted to slap her friend awake while screaming "please don't be dead, don't die on me mother fucker" and she makes Dean carry her to the nurse's office while scolding me for not stopping the ball saying "you are the male, males protect females"." Pete sighed. "Never in my life did I think I'd get scolded by a frail female."

By the time he was done all the non-teen males were frowning, trying to picture the whole ordeal. "So, you mean to tell me that you, a non-human, got knocked to the ground by a frail female and was scolded by her and Dean got to be with a curvy girl." Pete nodded. Vinnie stood, leaning over the table whilst giving Dean a fist bump. "This is why you da man Dean-o." Pete rolled his eyes and stood. "I'm going to my room." He left and Luther stood, high-fiving Dean. "I now want to meet this frail girl and maybe the shy curvy one." Luther joked.

Dean leaned back in his seat. "Yeah well, to bad, I called dibs on her first." He scoffed. "Cause uh, ya know what they say about the shy ones." Luther chuckled while Maya rolled his eyes and stood. "Homework Dean. I'm going to go rest. Luther make sure he gets it done." Luther nodded and Dean rolled his eyes waving Maya off. "Yeah yeah, whatever Mr.Alpha."

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