Chapter Two

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Video and song depict what the main lovers' relationship will be like.

"Owowow." Hima slapped at Liza's hands, knocking them away from her bandaged nose. "Stop touching it." Hima whined. Liza placed her hands on her hips, her face forming in a mock pout. "Is someone grumpy?" Hima rolled her eyes as she took her pain pills. Liza giggled. "Look on the bright side, you got your first nose job!" Liza chirped, with a bright smile on her face.

Said smile fell however when Hima glared at her. "Still trying to comprehend how your spike was that powerful to completely ruin my nose and crack my cheekbones. Liza shrugged. "What can I say? Power to the V my friend power to the V." Hima gave her a blank stare before returning to her book.

The two girls were on Hima's hospital bed. Liza was on her phone, whilst Hima was studying for her history test. "So, any boyfriend yet?" Hima looked at Liza, her eyes devoid of emotion. "Seriously?"

Liza shrugged. "Just trying to make conversation."

Hima rolled her eyes and went back to studying. If she bugs me one more time I'll... Do nothing. Hima was known for her patience, too kind heart and shyness. She wouldn't tell Liza to shut up, or even kindly tell her only friend to be quiet. She would just sit there and do nothing whilst Liza interrupts her study time. I wish I had a back bone.

I wish she had a back bone. Liza knew she should leave Hima alone, but she was bored and wanted Hima to at least tell her to shut up. Damn girl, you are so nice and patient. Everything Liza wasn't. Liza wish she had Hima's intelligence, her beauty, her thick body, her mocha eyes, and her ability to forgive. Hell she even wanted her shyness and fear of boys. Everything Hima had Liza wanted but sadly she couldn't acquire. Damn you Hima, you kind, awesome person.


Pete stared at the ceiling, his mind wondering back to morning. When the sun peeked through the tree tops, revealing five males unconscious and covered in blood. The taste was still in his mouth, the memory of picking flesh and bone from his teeth still fresh in his mind. He swore he could still feel the sticky, cold blood on his hands as he starred upon them in horror.

It was obvious they needed better chains and cages. The old ones were worn out it seemed. Pete closed his eyes, hoping to finally have a nightmare free night, but he knew that was inevitable.


I'm going to kill her I really am. "You can't just do that Astrid, especially in the open." He couldn't believe she'd—scratch that, he could so believe she'd do something like this. "You can't kill them like that. If someone saw you-"

"Oh, shut up Drake. No one saw me. The hunt went smoothly and no humans were injured." She said smugly as she cleaned her weapons. Drake rolled his eyes. "Pack your gear. There's a possible case in Tennessee. You and I are going to go investigate whilst the team remains to clean up your mess." Drake stalked toward her grabbing her chin tightly in his hand. "You will follow my orders sister."

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