Chapter Four

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Hima slowly walked home, her mind wondering to the card in her skirt pocket. He'd given her his number. Why? She did not know and she oddly didn't care. A guy gave me his number. Yeah he was older than her, and a relationship was illegal, but still she got a guy's number. And I didn't even ask. Today couldn't get any be-


Before Hima's butt made contact with the ground strong arms wrapped around her and she was pulled against a warm, hard body. "Are you okay?" She slowly peeked up, starring at the male through her bangs. Sweet baby Jesus.

Alert! Alert! Greek god! Alert! Alert!

His eyes bore into hers, neither of them moving. The world around her seemed to stop and nothing else mattered but the male before her. "Um, hi." Hima blushed. "H-Hi." The corner of his mouth twitched as did Hima's. "I'm Rodriguez, but I go by my last name, Maya,"

"I'm Himawari, but I go by Hima."

Silence reined once again and she oddly didn't mind at all. His arms tightened around her, pulling her closer against him. "God, you're beautiful." Hima smiled. "Thank you Maya." He smiled gently, his eyes filling with awe. He shook his head and stepped back, stuffing his hands in his pocket. "Uh, um, do you mind if I walk you home." He looked up at the darkening sky. Wow, how long were we starring at each other? "It is getting pretty late and you shouldn't by yourself." Hima couldn't speak so she merely nodded.


God she's gorgeous. The small female walked close beside him, getting close every time a cold wind blew against them. Maya was unaffected but his small human was. Whoa, slow down nino, she isn't yours. But by God, he wanted her to be. So badly. Is this human lust or my beast? Ever since he turned he couldn't distinguish human impulses from beast impulses, like right now. He had the need to fuck her. To bury his hard cock deep inside her and find release.

He clenched his jaw. She's far too young for you. That seemed to do the trick. Hima paused before a pathway that led up to a small, quaint, one story home. "Thank you." Maya bowed his head. "Your very much welcome." She then turner and walked to her door. Maya turned as well, making his way to his home.


"I am in so much trouble." Astrid shrugged and dropped the bloodied machete into her duffle bag, zipping it up. The two brothers were, well, dead. Astrid couldn't take the chance of them not being human so yeah, she killed them. Its not like anyone would miss them. They were foster kids, so there was no one to grieve.

Astrid walked over to a tub filled with water and poured the sulfuric acid. She then proceeded to throw in the chopped up pieces of the boys and once done scrubbed the dank shack clean of her existence. Nobody has to know my business.

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