Chapter 7: A Goddess's Achievement

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It was night time, everything was peaceful, well, was peaceful. Thoth entered the palace of Amun in a rush. "Amun, there is trouble in Egypt." Thoth said out of breath. "Calm yourself Thothe, what seems to be the trouble?" Amun said. "It is the Pharaoh, he can not rest, something seems to be troubling him to invade his slumber, now it seems the whole land of Egypt is full of worry and could not rest." Thoth said. "That is a troublesome, bring everyone here for a meeting." Amun said. "Yes Amun." Thoth said. Thothe went outside to the horn and blew it, awakening all gods and goddesses. Zahra awoke with a yawn and sat up. "Is it morning already?" She asked herself. Zahra climbed out of bed and walked out of the room, leaving Aladdin to continue resting. Once Zahra walked outside she saw Anubis. "Anubis, what is that noise?" Zahra asked while rubbing her eyes. "It is a horn, it alerts everyone that we have a meeting." Anubis said. Zahra nodded and followed Anubis inside Amun's palace. Once everyone entered the palace Amun stood up, Thoth being by his side. "I apologize for awakening you all, but for now, there is trouble in Egypt." Amun said. Some gods and goddesses murmured and whispered, Amun continued. "It seems the Pharaoh is having a troublesome time of resting, it is worrying the land of Egypt and they too, can not rest, does anyone know what we should do?" Amun asked. Everyone began to whisper to each other, trying to create an idea. Zahra was thinking about it before her ears perked up. Zahra turned and began to walk away. Anubis looked to Zahra as she left. Anubis looked to the others, they seemed to have also noticed her leaving and they all followed Zahra. Zahra began to walk towards the pond. As the pond glowed brightly Zahra walked forward and was transported to Egypt. "What is she planning?" Sekhmet asked. Everyone exited out of the palace. Amun looked at the group. "What happened to Zahra?" Amun asked. "It seemed she wanted to go to Egypt." Thoth said. "But whatever for?" Nut asked. "Why do we not find out?" Seth asked entering the pond, a few went into the pond. Anubis, Nut, Hathor, Sekhmet, Amun, and Thoth followed behind Seth. They were soon transferred to Egypt. Once they were there they all looked around. "Now wherever could she be?" Hathor asked. "I think I see her, on top of that pyramid." Sekhmet said pointing to a pyramid. Indeed Zahra was on to of the pyramid. "What is she doing up there?" Thoth asked. They looked closely to see her in a stance. "Zahra is releasing another godly energy?" Anubis said. Zahra at the time was in her stance, taking a deep breath. Zahra then began to sing a sort of lullaby.

I hear your voice on the wind
and I hear you call out my name.

"Listen, my child," you say to me."I am the voice of your history, be not afraid, come follow me answer my call, and I'll set you free."

I am the voice in the wind and the pouring rain. I am the voice of your hunger and pain. I am the voice that always is calling you. I am the voice, I will remain.

I am the voice in the fields when the summer's gone.
The dance of the leaves when the autumn winds blow. Ne'er do I sleep throughout all the cold winter long. I am the force that in springtime will grow.

I am the voice of the past that will always be. Filled with my sorrow and blood in my fields. I am the voice of the future, bring me your peace, bring me your peace, and my wounds, they will heal.

I am the voice in the wind and the pouring rain. I am the voice of your hunger and pain. I am the voice that always is calling you. I am the voice.

I am the voice of the past that will always be. I am the voice of your hunger and pain. I am the voice of the future. I am the voice, I am the voice. I am the voice, I am the voice.

As Zahra sung the lullaby, she released a bright aura, spreading it across the land of Egypt. The aura took a form of a panther, once passing anyone or any creature who was awake, to soon falling asleep. The last place it landed was the palace the Pharaoh stood, watching wide eyes from the window. The panther aura soon reached the Pharaoh. Before the Pharaoh felt as though he would fall into a peaceful sleep, he saw on top of a pyramid a bright figure singing, a female panther. The Pharaoh yawned and joined his wife in bed, soon falling into a peaceful rest. Once Zahra finished singing the land of Egypt was all in a peaceful slumber. Zahra smiled and jumped of the pyramid, swiftly landing on the ground with grace. As Zahra sighed she turned around and saw the group of gods and goddesses and she squeaked in fright. "Oh um, I am sorry, I did not expect others to come here too." Zahra said looking down in embarrassment. They all smiled. "How did you ever learn to use a technique like that?" Amun asked. "I um, only sung, I did not think a bright aura would go forth in all of Egypt." Zahra said. "What was it that you did exactly?" Thoth asked. Zahra looked up to everyone. "I learned from Hathor that lullabies usually help others rest, so I sung everyone a lullaby, and made sure they had well dreams to keep them asleep." Zahra said. Hathor smiled with triumph. "That would mean you also posses the power to control dreams and music." Anubis said. Zahra nodded. Amun walked up to Zahra and put a hand on her shoulder. "Well done Zahra, I am very proud to see you accomplish your first achievement in protecting Egypt." Amun said. Zahra smiled big. "Now then, let us go back and rest, I will alert everyone about the achievement." Amun said walking to the pond. Everyone followed behind as they teleported back to the Heavens of Egypt. Everyone began to go separate ways. Before Zahra left, Anubis walked up to her. "Zahra, to celebrate your achievement, I would like to show you something in the morning." Anubis said. Zahra smiled. "Okay, I will be up and ready." Zahra said. Anubis nodded and walked away. Zahra walked back to her palace to go back to bed.

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