Chapter 10: What Is Love

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Throughout the morning Zahra looked troubled and it seemed to worry most gods and goddesses. "My, what seems to trouble you?" Hathor asked seeming to be the only god or goddess to speak to her. "Is it wrong to fall in love...with two gods?" Zahra asked. Hathor raised an eyebrow. 'I know she is love with Anubis, but who else could she possibly be in love with?' Hathor wondered. "Um if it means choosing between them, who are they?" Hathor asked. Zahra seemed a bit shy. U-um, Anubis, and..." Zahra trailed off. "What, who else are you in love with?" Hathor asked with curiosity. "...A-Apophis." Zahra said. Hathor's eyes widen. 'Oh no.' Hathor thought with worry. "How did that start?" Hathor asked. "It started, when I met him again last night, I do not know what he  did, his lips, were with mine, and then I suddenly fell asleep, that is all I remember." Zahra said. Hathor held back a glare. 'Oh that slithering snake!' She screamed in her thoughts. Hathor put a fake smile. "That is sweet, do not worry, I will not tell anyone, I will leave that to you." Hathor said. Hathor walked off as Zahra began to think. 'I have to choose?' She wondered as she also walked off to do more thinking. Hathor raced to the others. "Hathor what is wrong, you look very upset." Nut said. "It is Apophis, he met with Zahra again late last night, that is what Zahra told me." Hathor said. "That is a problem, but did she say that made you so upset?" Seth asked. "He kissed her!" Hathor said with rage. Anubis felt a hint of jealousy in his heart, but he did not show it. "He did something that made her fall asleep, I am just worried that he...did something else." Hathor said now with a hint of worry. "Someone is going to have to stay with her over nights, or at least guard her over the nights to keep her from." Sekhmet said arms crossed. Hathor was thinking before she gave a smile. "Anubis, maybe you can." Hathor said. Anubis raised an eyebrow. "Besides, who else is closer to Zahra than you, and if she ever releases that snake energy you can calm it down." Hathor said. "I guess you do make a good point there, very well, I will make sure she is safe at night, but right now, we should all keep watch of her today." Anubis said. Everyone nodded and walked off. Hathor made sure they weren't able to hear and looked to Anubis. "Apophis must have done something, Zahra is also now in love with him, hopefully that is only a spell rather than her really falling in love." Hathor said. Hathor was about to leave before looking back to Anubis. "Oh, I know I promised not to tell, but when I mean also in love, I mean she is in love with someone else, and I think you know well who it is." Hathor said leaving. Anubis again raised an eyebrow before lightly blushing and walking away. Zahra was walking forward until she bumped into someone. "Oh, sorry, I was not watching where I was going." Zahra said looking up to see Bastet. Zahra began to feel nervous and she took a step back. "B-Bastet, sorry, I should have watched where I was going." Zahra said. Zahra turned to walk away. "Hey." Bastet said. Zahra flinched and looked back to Bastet. "Do not think being a goddess is that easy, it could get you killed." Bastet said and walked away. Zahra blinked a couple of times before also walking away. 'What does she mean by that?' Zahra wondered to herself. Zahra shook her head as she walked. As Zahra walked she heard the sound of someone calling her name. Zahra looked behind to see Anubis. Zahra blushed a bit. "U-um Anubis, what is it?" Zahra asked. Anubis had a serious expression, and Zahra seemed to be confused. "May I have a word Zahra, alone?" Anubis asked. Zahra nodded furiously. "Yes of course." Zahra said. Zahra followed Anubis until they reached the pond. It didn't take long before they were in a tomb. Zahra looked around, seeing the hieroglyphics of a giant snake. "Is this, Apophis?" Zahra asked. "Indeed." Anubis said. Anubis looked down to Zahra. "Zahra, I must warn you, Apophis is a very dangerous God, he has cause much trouble to us for thousands of years." Anubis explained. Zahra looked up to him. "Really, he seems so nice." Zahra said. "He might be now, but the only reason he is adoring you is for your power, once he is has no use of taking your power, he will kill you." Anubis said. Zahra's eyes widen and she looked down. "B-but I...he was so kind..." Zahra said her eyes showing disappointment and betrayal. Anubis hated to see Zahra hurt and lifted her head up. "That is why I will protect you, I will make sure you are safe from him, he is dangerous, and will do anything to get your power." Anubis said. Zahra nodded, she wasn't sure what to do. It was all too confusing, too much lies. Her snake was showing and Anubis acted fast. He lightly grabbed a hold of her hands. Zahra had tears streaming down her face. "I-I don't know what to say, what am I feeling?" She asked. "It is only betrayal, but you will know to learn that he is nothing to you, there may be a battle to end this, but for now, you are under my protection." Anubis said. Zahra again nodded and hugged Anubis. "I-I...I am glad to have you with me, thank you, Anubis." Zahra said. Anubis looked at her, before slowly hugging back. Once they broke apart, they stared at each other's eyes. "A-Anubis, what is this I am feeling now?" Zahra asked. "This is what they call, love." Anubis said. And their lips collided, with true passion. It was much different from the kiss Apophis has given her before. 'So, this is love.' Zahra thought.

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