Chapter 21

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Shea Pov

"So you mean to tell m-" Jay said sounding confused and mad all at the same time. I told him everything. From Trina all the way to being here at Nate's house. I told him the location and everything. I had to beg and plead with him to stay put until its time.

"Yes that's what I'm telling you. Babe I need you to trust me on this one." I looked over at Nate. He was on the computer doing something.

"If that's the case then let me come get you baby. I miss you and I need to know If you and my little one is safe. I can wait until tonight." I sighed, God I wish all this would hurry and end.

"Jay I already told you I can't. Look I gotta go. Just remember what I told you. I'll try to keep in touch. I love you." Lord my pregant ass crying.

"Okay babe. Love you too." With that being said I hung up the phone.

"It'll all be over soon baby girl." I nodded and went to the kitchen. I swear this is where I spend all my time. I had my back to the kitchen opening eating the icecream straight from the carton.

"Mmm. If it isn't little miss Shea. How you doing beautiful." I turned and looked at the stranger. He looks kind of familiar, but I can't put a finger on it.

"Umm, do I know you?" I stood my ground but I'm scared as hell right now.

"Yes, I'm the reason your here." I damn near fainted after hearing that. Damn its Nate's boss. God any other time somebody would be waltzing their happy ass in here being nosey. God Nate needs to walk in.

I felt my baby kicking so I instantly want to rubbing my tummy. He walked closer to me and I walked to the other side of the counter. Dumb ass...I'm by the door now

"Uhh, Its rea-" My ass took off out the door with him behind me. I was either hauling ass or this nigga old and flat out slow. I bust into Nates office. He looked at me confused until the man came in behind me.

"Hey, son. Thought I'd come by and show you a visit. I hid behind Nate. Damn now seeing them both in the same room, They look exactly alike.

"Yea boss, what do you need?"

"You know what I'm here for." He leaned trying to peek at me.

"If you don't mind me asking, why?" Nate said folding his arms.

"Well, son if you didn't know, I have everything in here tapped. Plus I have cameras in every part of this house. By the looks of things you have gotten a little too close to our guest. I don't want personal feelings interfering with our little plan." He said getting closer. I could feel Nate tense a little. "There was a call made today. Son. I couldn't be any more disappointed in you. You let me down. So li-" Nate reached for his gun I'm guessing but it wasn't there. Soon as that happened Nate put me under his desk. 

Nate Pov

"Well, son if you didn't know, I have everything in here tapped. Plus I have cameras in every part of this house. By the looks of things you have gotten a little too close to our guest. I don't want personal feelings interfering with our little plan." My boss said getting closer. I tense a little getting ready for anything. "There was a call made today. Son. I couldn't be any more disappointed in you. You let me down. So li-" I reach for my gun and I didn't have it on me. I look up to see my boss with a smirk on his face. He pulled a gun from his belt and aimed it at me. Man with the life I lived. Death puts no fear in my heart. He smiled before putting the gun away.

"Tasha! Trina!" I hear him yell. Soon after I see them both walk in looking like they have won the ultimate prize. Well, except for Trina. Somebody done beat her ass. She looks like shit. "Well, we have our meeting tonight. Im gonna make what needs to be done nice and clear." He takes out a cigar and lights it before speaking again. "I'm gonna bring in Shea. Jay is gonna show up. It's likely he's gonna bring his people. You and your men make sure I don't die. You kill Jay...then kill off the rest of his crew and then Shea. I gain power and everybody is happy." This nigga is sick, but I nod my head, not giving a response. 

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