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I cried, and cried and cried. I just couldn't stop crying. I've never been so happy in my life. Who would have thought that I would be getting married to the love of my life? Not me. I was taught that I wasnt worth anything, and will never find a man that would love me for me. But, here I am, about to get married. I broke out of my thoughts due to someone clearing their throat. Looking up I see my dad looking down at me smiling with glassy eyes. Awwww look at my daddy, about to cry. I gave him a head nod and he gave one in return. Hearing the music start I gasped and covered my mouth. I can't believe he remember my favorite song. I remember telling him about this on our second date. Who would have thought he would remember after all these years.

Guess what I did today
Those were the words I said to you
It was last May, don't know the exact day
In my head there was a praise
And you told me that you loved me
More than anything in your life
And I asked you would you do me
The honor of being my wife (yes I will)
I will be your man, your protector, your best friend
'Til my humble life is ended
Then time begins again (couldn't we)

As I walk I see everyone's eyes on me. You have some of Jays family and some family on my side. Meaning my dad, his girlfriend, lil sister and, brother. Yes, my dad had another child. Need to sit his old ass down, but yea, Rest of the people are from the trap. Looking up I take in Jay, who is crying also. Hell everybody crying, well except Trap but you can tell he's trying to hold it in.

Couldn't we be the happily ever after
We can be strong together for so long (our love goes strong so long)

I finally reach Jay and smile. He smiles back then gives my dad a hand shake and my dad takes a seat beside Brandon.

Couldn't we please be happliy ever after (couldn't we be, baby)
Leaving you never stays forever strong

The song fades out and I look into Jays eyes and see nothing but tears and love. God it seems like I'm under water and I can hear mumbling, but it's far out. I'm not sure how long I was out looking into Jays eyes, but I heard the reverend clear his throat. I jumped and looked up at him with wide eyes.

"Sorry, huh?" I said a little shocked. He didn't do anything but laugh.

"We asked are you alright." Jay said looking worried. I just nodded then gave him a slight hand squeeze then nodded to the reverend. He cleared his throat.

Jay nodded then said. "I Jaquel Malique Thorne, take you La'Shea Nicole Winston to be my wife. I promise to be true to you in good times, in sickness and in health. I will love and honor you all the days of my life."

Dang how long was I zoned out? I was spaced out for the most part. Shhhh, imma just go along like I've been paying attention the whole time.

"I La'Shea Nicole Winston, take you Jaquel Malique Thorn to be my husband. I promise to be true to you in good times, in sickness and in health. I will love and honor you all the days of my life."

He then blessed us, joined our hands together, and asked me, "Do you take Jaquel Malique Thorne as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" I froze. I know now is not a good time to do so, but I did. I know I want to spend the rest of my life with Jay, but why can't I get the words out my mouth. Looking over I see Meredith taking out her earrings and kicking off her shoes. Quickly looking over at Jay I see him looking nervous as ever. Peeking behind him I see Lean shaking his head no and mouthing 'Don't do it'. Until Kush hit him in the back of the head.

Looking up at Jay I give him a smile and answer "I do." All you could hear was breaths of relief.

The Rev. Chuckled then asked Jay, "Do you take La'Shea Nicole Winston as your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" He asked looking at Jay expectantly.

"I do." He answered without missing a beat.

"Rings?" Rev said looking at Jay.

Knuck passes the bride's ring to the Revrend, who blesses it and handed it to the Jay to place on my finger. Then, Shanell handed Jays ring to the Rev, who blessed it and handed it to me to place on Jays finger. We both took turns saying, "I take this ring as a sign of my love and faithfulness in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit."

"You may kiss the bride." And with that being said, we did what was told. No we didn't get all into it, there are kids around. Bad enough they're already saying eww. I smiled hearing that.

Me and jay walked down the isle hand in hand while people clapped and cheered. Following us was, Lean and Shanell, Kush and Heaven, Trap and Nevaeh, and then there was Knuck and Nala.

Who would have thought this day was gonna end like this? Even though the beginning half of my wedding was a blur, I can say it was nice and I loved every minute of it.

Y'all I really started crying picturing all this especially with Case Happy Ever After playing while I was doing it. But here's the wonderful, yet short chapter 24. Another update will be coming on Thursday. You think it's all peaceful now, but there's about to be hella drama 🤗

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