It Just Got Better

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After I found my home in Alpha Sigma Tau, I got to know all of the sisters better. I had what I called a Sigma Sister and a Secret Sister. For the first two weeks of being in AST I met with Bella and she helped me get through what I needed help with in the sorority, I met with her 3 times and honestly I loved her with all of my heart. She really opened up my eyes on what being an Alp Sigma Tau girl was really about. She showed me that no matter what I am going through in life, which she will honestly be there for me no matter what and my other sisters would be there for me too. My secret sister is somebody that gave me gifts for two weeks. These gifts could be anything in the world. My first two gifts were about AST. Different pearls and different jewelry that she thought that I would need throughout my time in AST. My last gift from her was my favorite. She bought me a Tigers shirt and Tigers socks. She knew that I loved the Tigers (but at this point who in the world doesn't know that I am absolutely in love with the Tigers to be honest). 

But then the big week came. (Big...get it, it's a pun lol) I had to decide who I wanted to be my Big. A big is like a Big Sister, who is your sister, friend, mentor and anything you honestly need her for. I knew who I wanted but I had to honestly think about it because I was not sure if this was who I truly wanted or not. But I had my mind made up after I made my list. I wanted Bella. I wanted Bella because we are honestly the same person and we are perfect for each other. So that Sunday came and the Big's found out who they got as a little. After they found out then it would be a week of hell. This week was honestly so bad for me because I was so stressed out from school and from wanting to know who she was. We were not allowed to know who our Big is until Big Little Reveal which was at Retreat on Saturday. God this week was hell me. I would get clues from her every day and I had to try and figure out if I could figure out who it was or not. I was having the hardest fucking time I swear. I kind of knew who it would be because she gave out little hints that gave herself away but I was not sure that if that was who it truly was or not. But Saturday came and my heart just dropped. It was reveal time. I had tears in my eyes as I waited to turn around and see who my Big was. 3. 2. 1. 

It was Bella. I have Bella as my Big and I could not have been any happier because I love her so much. But let me tell you how she put me through fucking hell. All week, she was telling me "Oh your Big will probably ignore you in person this week or she will probably tell you that you aren't her little." Bella fucking talked to me ALL FUCKING WEEK. Everybody kept saying "Oh she will ignore you on Saturday before reveal" yup not. BELLA FUCKING SAT WITH ME DURING LUNCH AND SHE WAS IN MY FUCKING GROUP I SWEAR TO GOD. This girl put me though fucking hell. And it was super cold too, and I hate the cold but Bella loves it. So all day I was saying "I hate you Bella." And half the time while I was saying I hate Bella and Saying that I never wanted to talk to her again, most of them were to her. So yeah that was a point in my direction. Not really. *Insert sarcastic emoji here*. I honestly hated her so much for the hell she put me through this week but I would not want a different Big. 

Bella is perfect and she is my whole life, she will be the reason that I get through Alpha Sigma Tau.

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