Chapter 33

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Louis grabs my hand as we step out of the car. Harmony is perched in his other arm as his other hand intertwines with mine. I look up at the big building of Modest Management. I do not want to be here.

I show up in Louis life and this is the stuff I cause. We wouldn't be hear right now if it wasn't for me. Louis keeps telling me that this is all Harry's fault, but if I wasn't here... Then their would be no trouble at all.

"Hey are you alright?" Louis stops and looks at me. I snap out of my thoughts and look up into his blue sea eyes.

"Hmm? Oh yeah I'm fine, lets just get this over with" I mumble.

"It's just a sit down talk with me, you, Harry, and a member of Modest " He says.

I nod.

"Are you sure you're okay to be here?" He asks.


"Yeah I'm fine" I smile.

"This will only take a few minutes tops, he won't go near you, I promise. They just need you for signatures and such" He says and squeezes my hand.

I don't want to be in the same room as him. He scares me in a way I can't explain. Harry used to be so nice it me, I thought he was a caring guy. The way he took care of Harmony and helped Louis out when it came to keeping us a secret. Then something just came over him. That's what scares me. How someone you think you can trust would do this to you.

I need to walk in there an just keep my head down. I don't want to look at him, or even think about him in a that matter.

We walk into the clear pristine building. The whole lobby way is bright white while the table and stands at the side are made of glass. Really modern. We walk up to the white desk with a younger looking woman sitting behind it.

"We're here for a meeting. I'm Louis from One Direction" Louis says while holding Harmony up.

The blonde girl nods and clicks something on the Bluetooth she has in her ear.

"Mr. Tomlinson is here for a meeting?" She says into the earpiece.

"Alright I'll send them up" She continues.

"Elevator to your right, floor 38" The woman smiles and continues to what I was doing.

"Thank you" Louis smiles and pulls me to the elevator.

It's funny, when someone usually gets asulted; they tell the authorities and get them arrested. But I have to sit down with them for a planned discussion.

We go up in the elevator to level 38. My stomach starts to turn in nervousness the closer we get.

"Hey, nothing is going to happen. You're going to be okay. I'm sorry this had to happen and if this were all up to me, i'd have him behind bars. But management is so dedicated to keep this good boy image behind us that they can't do that. Without Harry, the band would run straight into the ground.

The elevator opens wide to the huge white conference room with a long glass table in the middle.

"Louis! My favourite member of One Direction" A short bald guy in a black suit gets up from the end of the table and approaches us.

"Hi Rick" Louis rolls his eyes at me and turns to him.

"How's this little....cutie?" He stops himself as he sees Harmony drooling everywhere by putting her fingers in her mouth.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2015 ⏰

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