Chapter 6

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Julia storms out of the room. What did I do now?

I put Harmony back onto the couch and walk out of the room.

"Why are you running again? I told you the truth." I say down the hallway.

She looks back at me.

"Louis, you don't get it! I've known you for a month and have seen you everyday, I told you everything about myself, but you couldn't trust me and tell me that you have a child. Were you married to?" She shouts.

I storm up to her "Julia, I'm sorry I didn't tell you about my 7 month old baby who was delivered on my doorstep from a girl I spent one night with, how was I suppose to explain that without you running away from me" I sternly say.

"What.." She says

"Harmony Is my child, but I never knew she was born. She was dropped on my hotel doorstep 3 months ago from a girl Amanda who I spent one night with, never even knew the chick, I was trying to find a way to tell you, but I didn't want to freak you out!" 

"How did this girl find you then if you knew her for one night?" she says.

"That's another thing I need to tell you, that 'boy band' that is at this hotel is One Direction, and I and my friend Harry here, are members of that band" I start to twiddle my thumbs again.

"One Direction... I've heard of them, your just pulling my leg" she rolls her eyes.

"No I'm not joking, look" I pull out my IPhone and Google search One Direction, and show her that I'm there in the picture.

"Woah wait a second... You telling me that those fans flooding the entrance are there for you?" She said.

"Well me and 4 other guys" I point at shirtless Harry for example. He waves from the doorway.

"Ok, but how-" she gets cut off by Harmony pulling at my pant leg.

"Hi baby" I lift her up as she giggles.

"Do you wanna hold her?" I say.

Julia nods and I pass her over.

"Hi Harmony, I'm Julia"Julia says.

Harmony gets distracted by Julia's hair. She gazes at in and starts twirling it through her fingers as if she was so amused.

"Someone likes long hair I guess" Julia laughs.

"Yeah that's funny, she is never around any girls, she was only with her mother for the first 4 mouths of her life, so she probably doesn't remember, but I think she likes you" I say.

The only other girl that has every really spent time with her is Lou.

"Yeah I guess so, she is so adorable" Julia smiles.

"Do you wanna come inside?" I say.

"Sure" she brings Harmony inside.

We sit on the couch with Harmony who is falling asleep in Julia's arms.

"Your really good with kids" I whisper while she is rocking Harmony back and fourth.

"Thanks, I grew up with 4 siblings" she whispers back.

"Aha, that's funny..I grew up with 4 siblings to" I laugh.

"I'm sorry for giving you a hard time earlier.. I thought you were seeing someone else" she mumbles.

"Its alright, I don't blame you, and I would never do something like that" I say.

I look at Harmony and she is out cold.

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