Chapter 14

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The last day has been very stressful.

I've been sitting by the phone for 24 hours hoping for a call.

The Social Services lady said I'll get a call in the next 24 hours.

And here I am at hour 23, no phone call.

I lay down on the couch with Harmony playing on the floor watching Teletubbies with my phone on my chest.

Harmony crawls to the television and stands up leaning against it and laughs.

"Harmony do you like the red Teletubby?" I smile as she stares intently at the TV.

"Alright, don't want to hurt your eyes sweetie" I get up and lift her away from the blinding television.

As pick Harmony up, the phone rings alarming me.

I quickly sit Harmony on the couch and sit next to her with the phone.

"Hello?" I answer nervously.

"This is Ms. Shay calling from CSS to inform you about Harmony Tomlinson."

"Yes, its Mr. Tomlinson speaking" I roll my eyes on how official this woman sounds.

"CSS went over your session and it came unanimous that Harmony should be moved elsewhere until your completed your world tour" My heart drops as I listen through the phone.

"What! No, you can't! That's another 6 months, I'll miss her birthday! and I'm not handing her off to a stranger!" I try to control myself through the phone.

"There will be no stranger, it will be a relative of some sort, someone who is qualified to be raising a child, maybe your mother" She informs.

"Please... you can't. I won't be able to be away from my daughter that long, I'll miss her growing up" I Iook over at Harmony laying flat out on the other side of the couch with her feet and hands in the air. I guess she is playing some sort of game because she is laughing a lot at her feet.

"You will get to plead your case in court, and maybe you can have Harmony continue to be with you on tour. I'm sorry Mr. Tomlinson without a spouse to pursue a mother figure for the child, Harmony needs that fulfilment in her life to give her the time and love she needs" She says through the phone.

I feel to stressed out to even concentrate on the words that she sternly speaks through the phone.

"There is no other way?" I bite down on my knuckle.

"Unless if you were to quit your tour right now, then they would reconsider" She says.

"I can't wait the tour, I'm in a contract and One Direction itself will be off tour. They need my solos and vocals in choruses" I frown.

"Well, you still have a chance to prove to the judge that your suitable enough to take care of her-" I accidentally blow my top.


I hear nothing but silence through the phone.

"I'm sorry.." I mumble.

"It's fine, but I'm gonna half to stop by and take Harmony in 24 hours until your court hearing" She says.

"What! where is she going for a week?!" I shout.

"A relative that you arrange with, I'm sorry Mr. Tomlinson but its the rules" I can see the cold look on her face through my thoughts.

I stay silent and sit on the couch with my head to my knee.

"I'll be there at 7:30pm tomorrow" She hangs up the phone.

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