Chapter 11: Chemo. Not So Bad Right? Ha Wrong.

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"Alright boys let's go we've got a busy day!" Paul shouts to us in the parking lot where the buses parked are as we play footy.

"Okay next goal wins!" Louis announces  as he dribbles down to where Liam is in front of his and I's "goal" aka the space between the bus and staging truck. I rush up to him, prepared to steal the ball.

"Lads we have to go now!" Paul shouts at us again, Louis just laughs shaking his head. Noticing he's a distracted by Paul I quickly steal the ball dribbling away from him where Harry is guarding their "goal"

"Fuck you, Horan!" I hear Louis close behind me and I laugh speeding up

I swiftly boot the ball right past Harry's head and into the goal! "Yes!" I shout throwing my arms up in victory

I laugh as I run over to Liam hugging him in victory as we shout happily "suck it Tommo!" Liam jokes laughing

"Oh fuck you!" Harry and him shove us forcing us out of our embrace

"Boys! Now!" Paul shouts now annoyed

"Alright we're coming! Chill!" I sass him playfully as I walk over to the bus zipping my sweatshirt up further

I grab my suit case and throw it in the bottom of the bus, the boys following suit. We walk into the bus and are met with heaps of medical equipment filling the bus. Daniel's sat on the couch fiddling with an IV stand.

The harsh reality of what today really brings sinks in and I feel like someone just kicked me in the gut. My happy demeanor vanishes within seconds.

"Morning lads" Daniel greets us as he continues to work at setting up equipment

"Hey" they all respond but I just smile weakly, chewing on my lip

"Geez it's like pulling teeth with you lot this morning!" Paul shakes his head as he sits down up front next to our driver

"Hey we were in the middle of a very intense game of football!" Harry defends us "Not our fault you have to be a kill joy all the time"

"Whatever" Paul laughs shaking his head as we sit down on the couches that are placed across from each other. Theres a TV mounted on the back wall at the end of the walk way between the two couches.

"Okay Niall I want to start as soon as you're ready" Daniel tells me. I painfully swallow the lump in my throat in an attempt to answer him without sounding like hes going through puberty

"'Kay" is all I manage to get out

"Do you have any questions before we start?" I feel an arm wrap around my shoulders. I look over to see Harry smiling at me reassuringly

"Um how long will it take?" I ask as he sits down across from me

"It'll take about 2 two hours for the IV to finish but it should be about 9 hours until all the side effects kick in fully" he explains and I nod

"9 hours but that's about the time the show will be tonight" Liam points out concerned

He nods "I know and I would be lying if I said I wasn't concerned about that but we'll cross that bridge when we get there" he tries to reassure me "so I was thinking here would be a good place to get the IV? That way you can just watch Telly and relax" he offers and I nod weakly

"Yeah here's fine" I agree looking down at my hands

"Well if you're ready I am ready" I look around at the boys, Liam and Louis sat across from Harry and I. They all try to give me encouraging smiles but in reality they just look terrified. It's not helping my own panic

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