Chapter 15: Seizure

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We walk into our hotel laughing together over some stupid joke Harry told. We spent the day shopping around and just hanging out together. It was great! We've been in Australia for four days and it's now Wednesday. It's been so awesome having this time off, better than any of us could have imagined it would be.

We set our bags down and all go sit on the couches. "I'm soooo tired!" Niall slumps on the couch laying down with practically half his body on my lap

"You're always tired." Louis says "but yeah I am too" we laugh lightly

"Why are you laying on top of me!?" I ask Niall

"Firstly, Liam, I'm not onto of you secondly I wanted to lay on this couch and you just happened to be here!" I roll my eyes jokingly annoyed with the lad

"Paul what are you doing?" Harry asks him as he comes over and sits with us putting his phone back in his pocket

"Yeah you've been on the phone all day" I add

"Well you lads may be on vacation but I'm not. I've been scheduling tv appearances and performances for you lot" he tells us

"Fun" Louis say sarcastically. Harry elbows him in the ribs

"Ow! What have you done that for!?" Louis shouts at him

"Don't be snarky" Harry tells him

Louis was about to retort when Niall suddenly flinches in my lap letting out a slight groan.

"Are you alright Niall?" I ask him worried

"Just having pain again" I nod understandingly

"Here I'll get you your pain meds" ruffle his hair signaling for him to lift his head so I can get up

I get up and go over to Paul's bag while the boys continue their conversation. I open up the orange bottle and my eyes widen when I see there's only a few pills left. Daniel just refilled this prescription before we left

"Niall?" I walk back over to the boys holding the bottle

"Yeah?" He looks up at me tiredly

"How often have you been taking these?" I eye him worriedly

"Um I don't know um once a day maybe?" He says his naturally pale face turning red

I glare at him "you're a terrible liar Niall James. Daniel just filled this before we left. How often have you Really been taking these?" I ask again emphasizing 'really'

He groans looking down "I don't know every 6 hours maybe?"

"Every 6 hours!? Niall you're suppose to wait 12 hours between each dose!!" I tell him sounding angry but really I'm just extremely worried

He sits up slowly "I know the pain has just been worse this week than usual"

"What pain? Where are you hurting!?" I come and sit back down next to him making sure he understands just how dangerous this is

"Nowhere I told you it's just the normal aches and pains from the chemo." I stare at his innocent blue eyes

"You don't take this many pills for just an ache Niall! Are you even in pain? Are you just taking these just for fun!? Are you hooked on pain killers Niall!?" I accuse him

"LIAM!" Harry and Louis shout simultaneously

"Liam! No Ofcourse not! Why are you accusing me of this!?" Niall shouts back and I can see the hurt in his eyes

"I'm sorry Niall. I'm just worried and trying to understand how you've been in so much pain that you've taken almost a whole bottle of pills." I take a deep breath calming down and feeling bad about accusing him of being a drug addict "I'm sorry Ni I really am...can you just tell me what's been hurting you so badly?" I say in a much calmer tone

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