Chapter 2

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Nervous. That's how I felt standing there alone at the front of the class. Me and Vi had taken different classes, and now I was all on my own at the front of my new math class stuttering out my name.  


I've never been much of a public speaker, and facing a room full of unfamiliar people was a completely daunting aspect in any circumstance. 

I tried to cover up my nervousness with a huge smile that probably looked more like a grimace, and took my seat at the back of the class.  

The teacher begun the class and I slowly felt the attention fade away from me as the students concentrated on the board. Hushed whispers took over and I began to feel more comfortable. 

Halfway into the class, and i felt a tap on my shoulder.  

I looked into the hazel eyes of a pretty girl who was smiling at me.  

"I'm crystal" 

"I'm - " 

"Scarlett, I know - pretty name" 

"Thanks" I replied slowly gaining back my confidence. 

"So you're not from around here, where did you move from?" she asked 

"London, in England. I came here with my friend, Vi - she also goes here." I replied 

"No parents?" I shook my head no and she looked wistful,  

"Lucky!! thinking of having a house party?" 

I'd never really been a wild animal, so I replied: 

"No! my apartment's too small for that!" 

"that's too bad" and just as she replied, the bell for end of class rang, and students began to pack away. 

" what class do you have next?" she asked 

"Urgh, physics" I replied 

"Well I have biology, but Nate has physics with you and he can take you there." she said, as she called over her friend - a cute tall blonde - with a jock's body. 

"Hey, I'm Nate" he said - and I melted. I'm beginning to enjoy this school. 

"Crystal" I spoke - trying not to drool.  

He smiled and led the way to our next class. 

"Mr Whittaker can be a right bore at times - but don't mind him" he warned, as we entered the class, and I took my seat next to him. 

Throughout the lesson, I learned that he was right - this teacher made me want to go to sleep - forever. Normally I don't mind physics too much, but his drony voice was too much. Just when I thought I might just die, the bell rang - signalling the end of the lesson. Oh thank God. 

Visible sighs of relief were heard and as I made my way to the door I caught Nate waiting for me.  


"Thank god it's break," he expressed, and I couldn't agree with him more. 

As we made our way to our lockers, we caught up with Crystal. 

After competing over whose class was more boring, i finally reached my locker where i saw Vi waiting for me with a smile on her face.  

"glad someone's enjoying school," I said, before delving into a long rant about the bores of physics once again. 

When I had finished, I noticed Nate and Crystal smirking and I realised I had forgotten to introduce them to Vi. 

"Vi, Nate and Crystal; Nate and Crystal, Vi" I spoke. 

They greeted each other, before Vi introduced me to the girl standing by her side that I only just noticed. 

"Scarlett, this is Ellen, I met her in English." she informed me. 

Ellen seemed like a shy girl, and I knew immediately how her and Vi came to be friends. 

I smiled at her, and turned to Nate and Crystal who was talking to Ellen. I guess they all knew each other then. 

With five minutes till the next class, me and Vi excused ourselves to go to the bathroom. 

Moments later, I was staring at the reflection of myself in the mirror - with dark brown hair, and dark brown eyes - I wasn't too special. I wouldn't consider myself ugly - I don't believe in ugly people, only lazy ones who don't take care of their appearance - but I wasn't exactly Megan Fox. My eyes are lined with Kohl, to enhance them, and my eyelashes are naturally thick and long enough - and I wore no other form of make up other then that. My lips have been named by best feature by all of my friends - I couldn't see why, sure they were perfectly shaped and pouty without being fat - but lips are lips, right? My face shape was generally OK - I hadn't fully shedded my baby fat - being only 17, but you could see the cheekbones I inherited from my mum just waiting to pop out. Overall, I'd say I was fairly average looking.  

As I was completing my self analysis, i saw Vi exit the stall through the corner of my eye. She went to wash her hands as I took in her long golden hair and brown eyes - now she was pretty.  

*sigh* 'some people are just made perfect' I thought 

I caught her staring at me curiously with her perfect eyebrow raised 

" Why are you looking so depressed?" she asks 

"Just thinking about how much I hate you. God you're too pretty" I moaned just as the bell for the next class rang. 

She smiled and we made our way to our next class - which we had together. 

As we arrived just as everyone was taking their seats, me and Vi sat next to Ellen and Crystal, who we spotted waving to us from the back. As I took my seat, I took in all my fellow classmates, and sighed - there must be something in the water that makes everyone totally gorgeous. I thought - I hate life. And I spent the next hour sulking about how unfair it was that I was the only not beautiful person at this school.

A/N - there you go my lovelies :) I hope you enjoyed it. just sneaking this in mid revision cos I have 2 massive summer exams this week ;( *crying* 

anyway... so PLEASE comment, or vote, or ANYTHING if you read it to let me know that someone out there actually likes this book :) I promise it'll get interesting soon, just trying to set the scene and stuff - lay down some groundwork before the fireworks start :) so yeah... 


I love y'all xx :D

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