Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

It was a kiss of passion. He was hungry and angry and his wolf was taking over. I liked it. His hands were rough as they pulled at me, as they tangled in my hair and squeezed my body. He was kissing me like i could never imagine and it hurt. It hurt but it felt good. It made me feel special. His hands grabbed at me from every angle, stating his claim as he lay his scent on me. He broke the kiss and his stormy eyes pierced mine.

"No one will look at you again. You're mine."

Then he smashed his mouth on mine again. He bit my lip and i was quick to grant him access. His tongue tested my depths. I massaged it and sucked it with my mouth. He was Mine. And I was his.

All too soon he left me and my mouth felt cold as the wind kissed my bruised lips. His eyes were showing the struggles and inner turmoil of his two halves as his wolf and human battled. In the end his dark eyes returned to their cool tone and he managed to portray an aura of calm even over his ruffled hair. I envied how collected he looked while I was left panting. My knees buckled.

His arms met my sides as he grabbed me before i met the floor.

"You're ok," he whispered, as he carried me to the bed. "You're ok."

I welcomed the cool sheets on my back. Somehow my dress had come off my shoulder and my back was half bare. The coolness of the sheets provided a contrast to the heat radiating off my body and I lay still for a moment as I revisited the fresh memory of what occurred mere seconds ago. My tongue tingled and I was sure it was bruised. Warmth spread over me but my face was blank and I felt numb like I couldn't believe what had really happened. He kissed me. So he did care.

I heard a growl resonate from Ashes chest as I turned to him. His eyes were glowing slightly and he brought his head down to my stomach, nestling himself into me. I reached out and stroked his black hair and I couldn't help but think how natural this felt, our bodies fit so perfectly with each other - like jigsaw pieces.

His eyes met mine and he growled again. I love it when he does that. I saw his head move lower and a cheeky animalistic grin set on his face as he rubbed his nose into me. He appeared to be smelling me. Hmm. His nose went lower and lower until I finally realised what was happening. His nose was now at my core and he inhaled my scent. I flushed a dark shade of red as he smiled up at me mischievously.

"What are you doing?!"" I squealed.

"I love it." His words rang clear through the room.

"I love your scent when I turn you on." I blushed further.

"I want to mark you."

What?!! I thought. I expressed my thoughts allowed.

"I want to look at my mark on your neck." He brought his head up and kissed a spot on my neck, giving me a full on love bite.

"Right here." he moaned, and he went back to devouring me.

I moaned as I thought about how amazing it would be to be marked by Ash. I would be a Luna. I would be the Luna of the strongest pack in the world. Wow!

I just leant back on the bed and let my mate do his magic. I couldnt concentrate on anything but him on my neck and I was lost in the sensations he was giving me. I stuck my claws in his back and moaned, throwing my head back and granting him easier access to my neck. He groaned as he lapped at the skin near the base. He wasn't marking me but it sure as hell felt good. 

All too soon Ash's head left me and he sat up on the bed with a jolt. A cold feeling struck my heart as I looked into his eyes and saw his normal stony self returned. The only emotion now visible on his face was regret. It hurt me to think that his moods could change so quickly and with the look that he gave me, itmade our recent moment feel so distant and I would've believed that I dreamt it up if not for the claw marks on his shirt and the disheveled nature of his hair. I got up off the bed and made my way to the bathroom, not wanting to see his stone cold expression any longer.

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