Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

I could taste the maple syrup on his lips, and rejoiced in the sweet taste. His lips were soft but hard - I couldn't describe it in words but they were wonderful. He was wonderful. I could smell his scent and it made me want him even more. I pulled his face closer to mine and took pleasure in the prickly feel of his stubble against my palm. It tickled. I could feel things happening to my body that weren't entirely unwelcome. I wanted him.

Our lips were locked. It was perfect. I didn't know what to do, or how to move, but just touching my mate sent fireworks off in my body. Every patch of skin tingled. It was a good feeling. I was ecstatic. Until I realised the kiss was not reciprocated.

I pulled back hastily. I could feel the blood rush to my cheeks. I was surely blushing a furious shade of red. My mate looked shocked. Like he couldn't believe what I had just done. To be honest, I couldn't believe it myself. I had just had my first kiss. And I initiated it.

I looked to the floor. It was my go to place to look. I was nervous and embarrassed about what I had done and couldn't look Ash in the eyes. What if I was a bad kisser? I definitely didn't know what I was doing.

It felt like ages that I stood there. The tension was so thick in the room it was suffocating me, and I could feel my lungs getting tighter as the seconds dragged on. I was sure I was about to faint when I heard a cough.

"The pancakes were nice."

What?! I just kissed him and that was his reaction. I wanted to verbally slap him but clamped my mouth shut when I looked at him. His mask had returned. His face displayed no vestiges of emotion. No evidence could be found to suggest my mate even had feelings. He looked stone cold and his eyes were as smoky and clouded as ever. He intimidated me, and I wasn't yet sure how I felt about that.

"Thank you." I replied, meekly. I felt like a lost little girl who just stumbled across the bi bad wolf. How fitting.

"I'm sorry... Urm... About the... Well..." My quiet voice broke and I felt like I would cry of embarrassment. It was like my shame had been delayed by shock and only now was I feeling the full effects of what happened. My mate just rejected my kiss.

"It's ok," he said. My eyes were wet but no tears had yet fallen as I forced myself to get a grip. I nearly lost the battle when I felt a heavy hand on my face, he was stroking my cheek. All painful and shameful thoughts left as I stared at his face, blurry through my unshed tears. He had dropped his guard again and his eyes burned like fire. I was lost.

"I have to go." All too soon his hardness was back. I was getting whiplash from our changing moods. He must be bipolar and I'm probably just hormonal.

"I'll see you in our room after you've finished eating." I watched his retreating back as he moved to the sink and put his dish in the dishwasher. At least he was acting like a gentleman.

The pancakes felt like rubber as I chewed them. They slid down my throat like lumps of cardboard. My wolf was confused and I was just numb. I forced myself to eat the rest of my breakfast because I wanted time to pass slower so I didn't have to see him too soon. I wasn't sure what I could say to him. But a part of me was craving his presence.

The carpet was soft under my bare feet. I trudged up the stairs as I mulled over my thoughts. It wasn't that bad. Maybe I just caught him by surprise and he would've loved to kiss me otherwise. Maybe he prefers to initiate the kiss and felt like I had just stolen his masculinity or something. All these lies swam through my head as I neared the bedroom door. It would be fine. We would get past this. For now I would act like nothing happened.

I pushed the door open and skipped - yes, skipped - through with a massive fake smile in my face.

"Hi!" I waved at him. He looked at me like I was high. I was giving myself the same look in my head. Oh crap. I just embarrassed myself again.

"Wassup?" I asked, in a more normal tone. His face returned to normal, but not before I thought I noticed a flicker of amusement displayed across it. That look made me happy. Because I made him happy. My Ash.

"Like I said this morning, I'm going to introduce you to the pack today. Go get ready." He ordered. I guess being Alpha just makes him naturally bossy. I I'm being totally honest, I liked it. It excites me.

"What's wrong with what I'm wearing now?" I asked. His masked face grew darker as I asked the question, like he was internally raging.

"No man can ever see you like that except me." So he was jealous? I am definitely feeling very excited right now. If not confused. I looked down. My skirt was knee length.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Scarlett, you're legs are on full display. No one else can look r what's mine," he growled. Yes, growled.

"But I'm wearing a long skirt! I've worn much shorter skirts before!"

Before I could even process what was happening I felt my arms being grabbed. I was face to face with my mate and his hands were all over me. His eyes had turned darker than usual, almost black. His wolf was rising.

"Mine." He claimed. Then he smashed his lips on mine.

A/N: so I made it really short cos its like a teaser and I just wrote it now as a thank you for all the support. I was away for ages with exams and university applications but I'm back and I got my exam results :)

So anyway, it started with her kissing him and now he's kissing her omg :) what do u think?

Basically I'm writing this and it's night time and I'm tired :P

Don't forget to comment and vote and fan

Also, read LTR a book I wrote and 'Marked' be Ibrahim_patel

Xxx much love xxX

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