chapter 3

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Will's home------------>>>>>>>>

After endless hours of shopping Will Finally decided that he had enough. Well not exactly since the shops literally kicked us out because we were way beyond their trading hours. My feet hurt and I'm hungry. I swear Will is like a monster when shopping is involved.
"Will im starving can we go eat now please at McDonalds?" I begged

"Yeah sure im quite hungry myself. I could seriously ravish the whole one direction crew right now"

"Are you kidding me?! Let's just get going" i said in a disgusted tone. The mental image of Will... Omg lets not even go there.

The walk felt forever to the food court. Three floors down and i can hear heaven calling Snoodles. Yes I named my stomach Snoodles. It's like a whole person on its own when it comes to food. I think I can smell pizza or is it Kfc?

Nearing McDonald's i came to an abrupt stop. Will mirroring my movement's. Ohhh no this cannot be happening right now. McDonald's is close. It's official the world is going to end!!! I mean who even puts McDonald's in a mall, they supposed to be 24/7 open? I no longer have a purpose to exist.

"It's ohkay Bella, Don't worry. I have been meaning to start my diet today anyway. So now i have more reason to" he gives me a sympathetic look.

"Well so am i. I'm on a diet consisting of fatty food only" I half shrieked. Can't believe this is happening right now.

"Hey we can go to my house and i'll cook. Deal?"

I gave him an incredulous look."Will you can't even cook. You eat ready made food 24/7?"

"Oh yeah well i meant you should cook a meal for us, at my home. Yeah?"

" Not like i have a choice. Let's get going, i need to get there as soon as possible so i can feed my baby Snoodles"

On our way home to Will's , Snoodles started grumbling. "There there baby almost time" I said while patting my tummy.

"My best friend is psycho and belongs in an asylum but then again so do i. This is why i love you Bells"

I burst out laughing, temporarily forgetting about my hunger. Passing through the gates of Wills home, we arrived finally! Let me just help Will carry his hundreds of shopping bags or i will never hear the end of this.

"So i decided on waffles for supper. How does that sound Will?"

"Honey anything you cook sounds great" Will said winking at me.

"Awesome so let me just get the ingredients ready" I immediately started searching his cabinets. "Eggs check, vanilla extract check, sugar check, salt check, butter check, milk check, flower c- whaat noo. Will where is the flour? I asked frantically.

"If you don't see it then we probaly don't got it" He said while shrugging.

I could either go out to the shops and get flour but that would take way to long and most of the shops are probably closed already. Hmmm i could ask around by the neighbours, that's way more effective and easier. "Will I'm going to your neughbours for flour. Please come with you know how scared i am in the dark and after all the waffles are for the both of us" I said smirking.

"Fine let's go Bells. I'm getting tired" Will said in a defeated sigh.

Walking out of his home and into the dimly lit street. The homes in this part of town are very upperclass. We walk till across the street and come across a home thats equally as big as the next. That's odd the gates all seem to be open. Walking up the few steps to the front door, it's open as well. Shitt this is so creepy we should probaly go home and starve rather. I take a look at Will and he knows exactly what im thinking and mouths the word no. Guess he doesn't want to starve and would rather walk into some horror movie and die. Walking into a large hallway with photo frames framing the wall. I come across a beautiful family. A couple with their 2 sons, both about the age of 19. Taking a left into what seems to be the living room i stop dead in my tracks. Will let's out a piercing shriek. "OMG OMG Will why is there a man tied to the chair with a knife in his skull. Will we need to get out of here, something doesn't feel right. We going to die!!!"

Just as I finished my sentence we heard the front door shut close. Fuck we dead. We need to get out of here NOW. Walking ever so quietly to the hallway with Will, i see a figure. A male figure. I freeze. The man stops to eye us for a second.

Me and Will started dashing up the staircase with the mystery man hot on our heels. Fuck im scared I'm going to die. I felt tears blur up my vision but kept on running, hand in hand with Will. Making a right into the hallway and running straight down only to go right into a smaller hallway this time. We ran straight into a bedroom and into the closet. Hearing the mystery man's heavy footsteps nearing the room and stopping. By listening to his footsteps i can tell that he walks slowly around the room, stopping now and then to examine. Faintly i hear his retreating footsteps leaving the room. Just as he was about to step out the room i hear a grumbling coming from the closet we're in. Looking down i realise its Snoodles. Nooooo Snoodles not now shitt. Will's eyes widening in fear. The man's footsteps stop, Everything is silent.

The closet door is pulled open in lighting speed. Will shrieking louder than before.

Author's note:
Don't we all just love these cliff hangers???
So this is my first book. Please don't go to harsh on me.
If you liked this book and If you could somehow share this book with your friend's, i would highly appreciate it.
Thanks for reading. Love you all❤❤

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