Chapter 6

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Mafia boss (unknown name) --->>

I was pressed firmly up against the wall.

But the only thing bothering me was that he was right up on me. I'm not used to this. Its making me feel really uncomforatble. Hot flushes right now omg.

"I don't bite, unless you want me to." I guess he could sense how uneasy I am.
"You very lucky i am a forgiving man, cupcake?"
Why the fuck you lying, why you always lying. Hmmmm ohmy Gaad.

"Erhh no mean to disrespect this time but you definitely don't come off as forgiving."
"You see people often misunderstand me. I'm very generous and kind but don't disprespect me or take advantage otherwise I could easily become your worst nightmare." This must be a joke but then again he don't strike me as the humerous one. His eyes look like they ready to kill and he speaks with so much seriousness.
And what the hell is with his frowning face all the time, almost as if his constantly in a bad mood.

Definitely not my type of guy, sorry.

"But back to the point cupcake. Right now you in my territory so you obey my laws. Listen to these rules and we'll get along well. Firstly don't, interrupt me while I'm speaking. As i was saying you will be living here with me..."

His jaw pulled stiff and for a second i was reminded that he was still holding me against the wall. Great.

"You never listen do you. Testing my patience wouldn't be good for you. I especially wouldn't want to hurt such a beautiful lady like yourself." his voice now quiet. A sign that his angry. Shitt Bella again. Wait he thinks I'm a lady, that's for sure a first?
"Since you don't know who i am i'll be going light on you, understood?" he whispered lowly right in the crook of my neck.

Shivers started running throughout my body. Maybe i should shut up now.
"You will be sleeping in my room and no you don't get your own bedroom. I'm sure you realise there are more than enough bedrooms in my estate but i need to keep and eye on you. You will be watched at all times. Your friend will not be staying here for certain reasons."

"Reasons such as what huh?" I really don't want to be alone with this angry bear.

"It's better for the two of you to split up so that you can't plan on getting away with him and maybe also ...because i was informed of his liking towards uhh men."

Omg?! He doesn't want Will to stay  because he is gay. Damn this guy is fool of himself thinking that his so hot Will would be falling for him.
I couldn't contain my laughter, my eyes were even starting to water.

To hell with his punishments.
"Hahah hahhaaah"
I bent over from laughter and involuntary my hands began clapping. I know i looked like a cross between a duck and a seal.  This is so unlady like but who the fuck cares, just the idea alone of Will even going after this mafia guys got me dying.

"Wow i didn't take you for the type to be freaked out by someone's sexuality. I mean if you sure about yourself then that wouldn't have to affect wether or not you living with a gay guy... Unless you not sure what team you're supporting?" Playfully adding a wink with an innocent smile.

"I'm not fucking gay if that's what you implying." His eyes going into slits.

Well damn it sounds hot hearing him swear. I'll anger him just to hear that accent of his as well.
"Then are you bisexual?" I said under my breath. Hoping he never heard that.

He stepped back from pressing me against the wall. Allowing me my personal space. He turned to the side, fists clenched and all i could see was how stiff his body was.

"Get out now."  He said it so calmly but i could tell he was far from that. His voice gave me shudders and fear started to withstill in me.

I stood there, not moving. Hands nervously playing with my clothes. Maybe i should apologise for taking the jokes too far? I guess it's worth a shot because im not risking him killing me in my sleep all because i called him gay. Oh wait the irony, 'worth a shot.'

Ahh i get distracted easily. Ohk apologise to him and then you will be forviven and all will be forgotten.

Smiling at my game plan, so not strong.

"I'm sorry about what i said a few minutes ago. I know you straight and that you would never explore the other team. I'm truly sorry ohk." I used my softest voice as possible but he was just not reacting to it...

Next thing i know i was spun around and pushed right up against the wall. My nose practically being shoved into the door. I could smell the wood of his door by now. My breathing increasing when i felt a cold metal at the side of my head. A gun.

Panick quickly rising. "Please no don't-"

The gun raised from my skin.
*sigh of relief*
Thereafter all i felt was a sharp pressure in the back of my head. My thoughts cut short.

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