Chapter 5

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I felt a tap on my shoulder... I must be imagining this.

Tap tap...
Geez this is annoying as hell. Beauty is sleep is essential to every women. Especially me! I need it more than any other women.
Tap again..
"Arghh what do you want mom?"

"Hey Bells please wake up. We're here right now." We are where? And why do i hear Will's voice and not moms.

Opening my eyes yesterday's event's came back rushing to me. The mall, the home,
the guy ,
and oh god us driving away.

Observing my surroundings i realise im still in the car and laying while Will is looking at me expectantly.
I step out and my breath is taken away. Wow?!

Absolutely gorgeous fuck. How rich is this guy? I have always wanted my dream home to look like this. Well un this case mansion. Yep, I think this confirms my suspicion. Defintely part of the mafia. Hot, rich and dangerous? Only the Italian Mafia.

The exterior of the mansion is gorgeous. I wonder how many rooms are in this place?
Walking past a fountain that's right in the centre of the drive way, two cars stand before me. So we defiantly not the only ones here then. Good because there is no way i'm stucked with rape face. Following behind rape face and will i gasp. The interior of this home is flawless. The white couches and walls contrasting so beautifully with the gold touches. This living room could be about 6 times my room. Im sure this home had an interior decorater, an expensive one as well ofcourse.

"Wait here." said rape face. He walked through to the hallway and up the spiral staircase made of glass. He stopped midway, turned his head slightly and said "don't touch anything."

Seeing rape face dissapear from our sight i decide now would be the perfect time to ask Will if he saw which route we took in the road and if he could possibly recognise the area. "Will tell me you saw how we got your and you can get us out safely?" I have never asked with so much hope in my life before

"Sorry Bells but i fell asleep during the ride as well. When i woke up i remembered that i could use the GPS on my phone. But he took it while i was sleeping. He has yours as well."

Patting my back pocket, my phone wasn't there. That bitch touched my ass while he took out my phone since my jeans is a skinny. Who does he think he is? I'll get him back for this, i swear.

"I know what you thinking honey, that he touched your ass but don't go feeling special because he touched mine as well. If his hands touched my jeans then I'm so going to frame it." Will said with so much excitement.

"...Well then i better get you that frame" Rape face interupped, landing at the bottom of the steps.

I let out a small giggle. Looking at Will to see him blushing.
OK then.

"Do you love birds need me to excuse myself?" wiggling my eyebrows suggestively.

"Yes please Bells" Will said the same time that rape face said "women No I'm straight as fuck."

"How do i know for sure that you straight?"

"Well i could just show you then." Noo way. My eyes widened in shock and disgust. "Someone is a virgin i see." Rape face started chuckling. How did he know. OMG I'm so unflaterring. No wonder I don't have a boyfriend yet. Oh well life goes on.

"Anyway I came to tell you that the boss wants to see you two. You don't speak to him unless he ask you something. And another thing he has a short temper. I suggest you don't test that theory out. And you must be wondering what my name is..."

Finally he decides to share his name.
"So what is it?"

I'm running out of patience quickly...

"Martino is the name."

"All Martino's are hot. Proving my point exactly is you Martino." Will said so seductively. The words rolling out of his mouth.

"Someone please call the fire brigade because this hoe brought the heat too strong." hahaha. Damn that was a good one. Will and both Martino glared at me. I'll never forever this moment, ever. Hahahaha.

"Little virgin, the office is second floor right down on your left. Please leave before i shoot that mouth of yours."

"Whatever bitch" i teasingly told him

"Watch it or else..."

"Blaah blaah" i interrupted him while walking up the starirs. Dragging Will along. Hitting the second floor i was met with an endless hallway that split into opposite directions. Continuing straight till i came to a black door.

I knocked.

"Come in." said a velvety deep voice. Well i could defintely wake up a voice like that every morning.

Once i entered. I scanned the room. Taking in the grey walls with a black desk in the centre. As well as a black plush that was against the one side of the room. My ass is just aching to sit on it. Two leather chairs at our side agaisnt the desk. Opposite, a black large leather chair sat facing us. In at was a breathtakingly die worthy boy, excuse me i mean Man. With black hair that looked like it came out of a shampoo advert. It was luscious, i just want to run my fingers through it.

His natural full lips that i could just kiss if I ever had the chance. Why do i have to suffer this kind of sexy torture infront of me?!

Chiseled jawline With barely a stubble. My oh my his jaw looks so sharp that i could grate some cheese it.

Thank you god for allowing me to see such a beautiful creature. I'll be eternally grateful.

Looking up into his eyes, we both statre at each other. Those hazel Brown eyes, I'm jealous.
He realises im checking him out so he smirks.
...Fucking jerk

"You out now!" he boomed at Will.
Will was out in lighting speed, closing the door behind him. The look on his face screaming murder

Ohh no i said my thoughts out loud again. How wonderful Bella.

The boss stood from his chair.
Hold up. Damn his tall. He has this 5 o clock shadow following him. He made his way around his desk and stood right infront of me.

The mood changed way to quickly to seriousness.
With him being by far taller than me, i had to tilt my head right upwards and he had to tilt his down.

"What's your name?" He said in all seriousness. Not once did i miss that Italian accent of his.

"Isabella, but but Bella for short."

"Do you have a death wish Isabella?"
He purposely draged my name out. The sound of someone saying my full name sounded so strange or was it just the way he said it.

"Erhh No" shit his so going to stab me.

"Then don't ever disrespect me again or there will be consequences to face. Do you understand me? A sense of authority radiating off of him. Consequences? Fear slowly instilling itself in me.

"Yy-yes i understand" I said half stuttering.

"Good cupcake." he said while patting my head.

Is he bipolar or some shitt? And im for sure not his pet dog that he can just pat like that.

"You just don't listen do you cupcake?"

Not again. I really need to learn to keep my thoughts in my head. I could get into serious trouble. And what's with nickname anyway?!

"You don't disrespect me once but twice? You will learn a lesson. One you will never forget cupcake..."

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