Chapter 5

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{By the way, I haven't had chance to edit this chapter so excuse if there are any mistakes :D}

Melanie's POV

I finally recovered from my fall. Although it was hardly anything, without any proper medicine or treatment, I still felt dizzy and was puking for at least a week. Jared and Jamie watched me like a hawk, and treated me like a child. I had to keep on reminding them that I banged my head, not became crippled. Jared refused to let me go on any raids with him for at least a month, which I really didn't like the thought of. Sadly for me, it had only been three weeks, and we were seriously running out of supplies. With everything that happened with me, they let me have more than my share of food and water, insisting that I needed it more than them.

"Well that's the last bottle of water gone." Jamie muttered as he passed us all half a cup full of water each to drink with our meals.

"Don't worry, i'm going to go and get some supplies later for us." As if Jared could tell I was about to intervene he turned to me and gave me a glare.

"And just me." He stated determinedly. Trust me I had tried, there was no way on this earth that he was going to let me go with him.

I sighed in defeat and turned my attention back to the T.V that was on. Luckily we were staying in a place that the seekers hadn't searched yet, so the electricity was still on. Although we knew it was only a matter of time until they would search here and we would eventually have to move on. Since we (well mostly me) had eaten the majority of the food, it was a nutela sandwich for tea tonight. It was only 4:00pm but Jared was going soon, and Jamie was hungry (well, when wasn't he?) so we decided to eat early.

I flicked through the channels. They were all so boring. On one channel was a football match, but instead of tackling for the ball, they would just pass it if the opposite team got too close. Oh, and here's the best bit! THEY DIDN'T HAVE A WINNER! They didn't count the damn scores! I mean what. Is. The. Point?

When I finally came to the conclusion that I would find nothing on, I chucked the remote to Jamie, knowing he would find something that he wanted to watch.


"Bye Jared!" Jamie shouted from the T.V. He was hooked on some pathetic kids show.

Jared was about to leave and as much as it pained me to see him go on his own, I knew that there was no changing Jared, and Jamie's, mind.

"Please... just be careful." I said, starring deep into his blue eyes.

Jared stepped closer, wrapping his arms around my waist, staring right back into my eyes.

"Babe, there's no need to worry. I did do this for two years before I met you remember? And if anything it was more dangerous then, they were looking for humans back then."

Of course he was right, and my worries slightly went.

"Yeah, you right. I just... I can't loose you." my voice broke at the end at the thought, and I felt my eyes blur over.

"Hey, don't cry baby." He chuckled, leaning forward to kiss away a tear that I hadn't even noticed had fallen.

He brought his lips to mine and we shared a long, passionate kiss.

"I love you." He muttered against my lips.

"I love you too." I smiled, softly kissing him.

He rested our for heads together before giving me one last kiss.

We hugged for what seemed like forever, although it was probably only minutes.

"I should get going." Jared said half heartedly. I could tell that he would rather stay here but we needed food, else we would starve.

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