Leo king of skittles part dos :)

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Gisselle's POV
I lay there, screeching my head off while minion 1 tried to cover my chest, and minion 2 was shooing the crowd away and minion 3 was looking in my locker closet for another bra and the other
10 minions were complimenting me on my boobs, well duh they're beautiful. (OMG lol sorry I had to write that lol) I lay there beautifully, just like the goddess Aphrodite we were learning about in social studies. Then, I had an idea.
"People of Goode!" I cried in my sweet voice like honey.
"I am the human host of the Greek goddess Aphrodite !" Gasps.
"She has told me I am even more beautiful than her, and may one day take her place on mount Olympus!"
More gasps and murmurs.
I saw the raven haired boy whisper something to the blond beauty. Something like,
"If Aphrodite heard this she'd be human steak by now." And then blondie giggled, a beautiful sound not unlike my own laugh. I redirected my attention to the crowd.
"Bow down to me! Gisselle Fabió, the new incarnation of Aphrodite!"
Everyone clapped...expect for that inferior kid who stole my skittles' friends. I would get them back later......

Annabeth POV 

UGGGGGGGGGs!!!! (lol)

I was going to kill Leo with my bare hands. How could he have almost broke our cover for a bag of skittles? I mumbled something like, "Gotta kill Leo," and Percy and Piper, who were walking on either side of me exchanged a nervous glance and went back to navigating the halls.

Wait... If Giselle said that she was Aphrodite... I had an idea.









Y'all gots ta eat sometime :D

Still Annabeth's POV


lol. That really was what my stomach sounded like when the squad and I entered the cafeteria. Nico sighed and immediately plopped his bum on the nearest empty table. In his black sweater and long legs it was hard to believe he was only 14.

"Nico, take your medicine," said Will sharply. 

" you've been avoiding it for days, take it or I'll shove it down your throat." 

Percy looked at me a smiled. 

"Let's go get lunch first kay?" Frank said, already halfway there with Hazel.

"Kay." I replied. 

Piper POV

"asdfghjkl!" I screamed!

"NICO!!!!!!!!!!!!" I ran over to Nico in the lunch line and started pinching his adorable cheeks. People stared and laughed. 

"Ouch, geroff Piper, you're embarrassing me!

Nico flailed around, knocking over people and plates along the way, all with me pinching his cheeks. 

Nico POV

What the fudge was Piper doing! I tried to get my beautiful cheeks out of her grasp. Finally, panting, I shadow-traveled away to get my lunch. 

Message from Pikáchu(。◕‿‿◕。)

HARDEHARHAR!! lol... anyways if you enjoyed leo <3s skittles please leave a vote and a comment! love you guys forever! be sure to follow my Instagram at canonkandy :D 

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