Chapter 2

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Come up to meet you, tell you I'm sorry

You don't know how lovely you are

I had to find you, tell you I need you

Tell you I'll set you apart

Tell me your secrets and ask me your questions

Oh, let's go back to the start

Running in circles, coming up tails

Heads on a science apart


Sylvia Bevenson

The hall had reflected a slight depressive atmosphere, all the students in Hogwarts mourning some sort of figure who had been within the school. Perhaps the biggest shock to me was Equela Black, a now should be 7th year (who was prominent within the school) had joined Grindlewald's army over the summer. It wasn't that fact which had shocked me, but rather knowing it was my father who had killed her.

Dippet stood at the front of the great hall and warned us that if we were to have any communication with Grindlewald there would be sever consequence, we all knew why he was saying this, there had been a strong influx from slytherin students into west Germany.

Whispers broke out amongst the students only being silenced when Dippet raised his arms before he swished his fingers and platters melted onto the table, students proceeding to grabble at the food.

Many people had come here with skin stretched across their bones and their fingers so brittle they would snap at a touch.

I put a couple of roast potatoes and boiled vegetables on my plate, my fork playing with the contents. I wasn't hungry, being from the family I had been we had been fortunate enough for more than enough food, my mother's guilt meaning I still had fried eggs filled to my throat from breakfast.

Looking up I caught sight of him- Tom Riddle. He like many others looked malnourished and I could see him eat with a slight desperation, but it was hard to spot as he kept his mannerisms immaculate. He sat on the opposite side of the hall, and in other circumstances it would have been a problem to really see what he was doing, but my senses were heightened so I could see from a large distance.

I averted my eyes, I couldn't be noticed by him until I had reached instruction from Dumbledore.


"Sir I'm not sure I feel entirely comfortable with this." I said quietly, hoping he would give me an alternative.

"Tell me Miss Bevenson, what are you scared of?" Dumbledore's chin out, peering down on me with a knowing glimmer in his eye.

Aside from the fact you want me to befriend a boy who would kill his father this year?

A boy that is meddling with horcruxes, basilisks and believes in a hierarchical system of blood status?

I stayed silent.

"Would you like a lemon sherbert?"

I decided to take the sweet, knowing it was laced in veritaserum, but I thought it could buy me time before I had to reply.

"There are 2 wars Miss Bevenson at the minute, both by 2 people who seek power and use the most unjust way to achieve this. You are aware of your father's lineage, yes?"

I nodded.

"And you are also aware of your mother's?"

I looked up at him, curious as to where he was going with this.

"You see, your father he is rather ruthless in his goals for the greater good, its part of his anatomy, to act for the greater good, with little want in their structure. You however are not just a lightly one, you are also a mortal. You can understand and see things that your father can't, you have an empathetic gene. But you have also inherited wings, a power the rest of us don't have. Yes?"

"Yes sir but I don't see what this has to do with anything?" I told him honestly.

"You are clever and understanding as well as powerful, this makes you untouchable. Tom Riddle no matter what, cannot hurt you."

"Sir how am I to befriend a boy 3 years my senior? You can see my social standing in comparison to him, I am not particularly clever, and you are very aware of what others think of Hufflepuff, especially Slytherin. I cannot befriend him sir."

"How about you try?"

I had to say yes, something didn't sit right at just the thought of me refusing.

"Okay," I sighed.

He smiled giving me a piece of paper which will have my new school schedule on it. Taking it I got up to leave, but I felt I had to ask him a question that had been sitting on my tongue since I was made aware of Tom Riddle's sin to be.

"Sir, perhaps I am being rather crass and bitter, but wouldn't it be easier to kill him?" I asked, the sentence so crude and blunt it shocked even me.

"He is an exceptional student miss, if he is on the right path he can achieve great things for the greater good."

I bowed my head and exited, thoughts circlilng. My eyes wandering in the darkness, before I came into contact with someone.

"Sorry! I wasn't lookin-"

"Yes, you weren't, 10 points from hufflepuff. Why are you in the halls after hours?"

By this time he had put a lumos on the end of his wand and pointed them to my face. I was about to explain but I realised who the person behind the wand was, it had to be him, didn't it? Perhaps destiny really did want me to befriend him.

"I was talking to a professor."

His intense gaze causing me to look down.

"Fine, I accept that." he turned to carry on with, what I assume to be his prefect patrols.

I hiked my long skirt up and ran after him on the stairs.

"Wait!" I called.

"Yes?" he spoke in a calm manner, but his eye twitched with annoyance.

But in that second I couldn't think of a sufficient lie, ending up just staring at him. Shaking my head in dismissal, I made my way to hufflepuff tower.


Tom Riddle

Laughter, endless laughter. It rang in my ears, cold and low pitched.  It was me laughing, laughing at a torn body on the floor.

The body had carvings sheeting it's chest, writing 'mudblood'  repeatedly, with the skin having a violet hue from all the blood lost.

His legs were bubbling in foam and the little flesh he had left was like tissue and dissolved in the bubbles.

A small crowd encircled him, all weeping at the body that was disintegrating quickly. A small orange haired girl collapsing at the sight.

But I continued to laugh.

" You see what happens when you don't join me! DO YOU SEE!" my voice hoarse and whistling in dawn's air.

I extended my hand to the youth, "Come, you won't endure the same fate, he just happened to be a mudblood."

They all shook their heads, holding each others hands with the little strength they had left.

"No," they whispered collectively.

"Very well."

Dead, each and every one of them.

I turned my back to the burning carcus,  feeling glee etch across my face.


Author's note

Yes, finally up!! ☺

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