Chapter 4

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Tom Riddle

"Riddle, pass the mash"

I didn't reply and simply shifted my finger angrily so the mash dish magically swung into Abaraxus' chest. I wasn't in the mood today, if the girl had been using the spell I assumed she was using then she royally cocked up a lot for me, but I may need to quickly reconsider options to retrieve more powerful spells from the library before they are taken. For the past 5 years not one person knew anything in the damn school and suddenly this third year girl delves into the more powerful arts? For what?

I could hear Abaraxus cuss under his breath and my eyes looked towards him. A damn fool. But admittedly of not only a higher status but also a higher intellect than most in Hogwarts, his ties were good and I couldn't sever them.

"I apologise, I was simply frustrated Abaraxus," I told him feigning a playful smile.

He stared at me oddly, only increasing my annoyance towards him. He muttered an 'alright' before turning to Nott. Within the social circles my popularity among students (mainly females) didn't become apparent until the previous year but they still were not solidified to the full extent. I needed to bring myself to a friendly level with the old blood aristocrats.

Picking up my satchel I left the great hall.



'I was just experimenting with new spells, I was just experimenting with new spells' I thought to myself as I made my way to my sixth year female social studies class. I had memorised the chant in response if anyone from the Slytherin house was to ask why I had been within their dungeons with scorch marks and a white bandage wrapped around my back.

I tried my hardest to ignore the stare from the little girl, the one who had found me 2 days ago immodestly splayed against the cold floor of the dungeons every time I found myself walk past her. I wondered why she had even been there in the first place, I was told my wings were to always take me to the most secure place in Hogwarts, I hadn't expected landing within the Slytherin whereabouts which had one of the most difficult spells I had ever seen performed on the snake mold chains at the doors.

I had blinked my eyes briefly to find short screens of her and then she was gone, and that was as far as my memory extended.

I entered the classroom early, with my eyes trained to the floor, I could feel my heart ricochet within my chest with each slow slip of my foot forward. I took my seat at the far back where my name had been engraved and tried my hardest to focus on the class board, until Philic arrived and left my thoughts to dwindle.

"YOU!" a shrill voice came, my reaction making the chair flinch and others to look at me with suspicion.

The woman who had entered adorned a scowled face, a large stick and a tight bun which had her eyes stretched to the corners. That was Professor Philic.

Her stick was pointed firmly at the girl who sat closest to the classroom door, "Your hair is loose, your posture abysmal, your nails are not clean, no man would want to marry you."

The girls face become a mosy pink at this and mumbled an apology, correcting it as much as she could. I could tell I was not going to enjoy this class much, but it was my only escape from my other Riddle filled classes.

Philic rounded the entire classroom with corrections that couldn't possibly account for anything, but she completely ignored me. I guess I should be thankful, but why was she ignoring me?.

She called out the class toll and mine was first within the small class, "Bevenson?"

"Present," I called back quietly, and I felt everyone look back around at my chair weirdly.

"Bevenson? What nonsense is this?" she called again, her voice growing in pitch.

I raised my hand, but she still didn't see me, none of them could. I stood up, making sure that my seat would not move a long with me, but again nobody followed what I had done. Was I invisible? Then how had the girl seen me?

Philic swiped her wand at my direction to remove whatever charm I had incanted to get myself in this position. I suddenly felt a flood of eyes on me and the bulging left eye of Philic.

"Do you take this institution for a joke?" she asked, anger growing.

"No, miss, if you would allow me to explain that I was unaware that any charm had been cast upon me," I attempted. My eyes widening once I realised that the disarming charm, a powerful one which I had not been trained for, also applied to my wings. They were poking violently at my flesh and I knew I had to escape quickly.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2016 ⏰

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