Chapter 3

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Nothing goes as planned
Everything will break

People say goodbye
In their own special way
All that you rely on
And all that you can fake
Will leave you in the morning
But find you in the day


My schedule now ran in accordance with sixth years, meaning I had to have 7th period tutoring with Merrythought and Dumbledore, them being the only staff within the order against Grindlewald. I was to feign that my exam results had been so good the last couple years that they let me take my OWLS the previous year and had gotten outstandings in all my subjects. I took all courses Riddle had taken however I took Female social studies due to Riddle taking the obvious male equivalent. At first I was confused as to why Riddle would take such a class, but I soon remembered he lived in the muggle world and guessed he took the class to be me more acquainted with magical tradition.

I locked the bathroom door and whispered every locking incantation I knew before removing my night robes. I turned in front of the mirror inspecting my back, bite like marks travelling up my spine, and the skin around it bruised and swollen. I cringed at the sight.

They hadn't healed yet because I hadn't released them yet, so the power inside ricocheting beneath my skin hitting the flesh and bones rigorously. I winced my eyes as I felt them come out, curling my fingers over my thighs and squeezing them to distract the pain.

Had I had known I was to have regular interaction with Riddle I probably would have opened my wings before school, and now I was standing in front of the lavatory mirror with blood pooling around the back of my feet, my skin had ripped.

I cursed under my breath, retracting my wings and looking back in the mirror, a large gash rippling from the holes. I wrapped fabric around my chest to help stop the bleeding and quickly tied my robes over me, I needed to get to the hospital wing.

I quietly slid out of my dormitory and Hufflepuff common room, my feet bare and my back hunched. My legs slapped the floor waking the portraits up from their slumber, it was nearing dawn and I was aware that there were currently a Gryffindor quiditch team rearing around the corner to get practice before their first game today. My breathing became laboured and heavy with my vision going in and out of focus, hearing their brooms sweep across the floor.

"Good heavens girl! What have you done?" a portrait gasped.

I hadn't the time to reply, leaning my hand against the velvet walls to catch my breath.

But I collapsed, never falling to the floor, just the feeling of me collapsing.

What was once Britain was now a looming prison with mudblood slaves drowning the streets at night, and a sweet decay smell to glut the air, this was his reign.

No one spoke his name or else their tongues would be cut off and the rule was present for both purebloods and mudbloods, but usually death in a mudblood's case. It was like a large Azkaban, with dementors guarding the borders so foreign intervention was impossible. If someone were to look down the only colours they would find would be variations of black. 'His' rule now sweeping into Europe, with the population of not just the mortal but the supernatural to plummet.

Most people were finding refuge in caverns and alcoves in Africa, where magical influence had meant muggles could find rocks and sediments to cast protection on them.


The new mother's last words echoing in the towns ears as her swollen belly split open and a purple foetus died in his mother's blood.

I could feel my shirt cling against my chest as tears doused it, my hair clinging to the sides of my face. I attempted to open my eyes but there was too much light on my face, I needed to see. I moved my hands upwards to shield my face, but the action was useless.

"Merlin, you had us worried."

What was going on?

"Miss, can you hear me? This is Molly."

"Can you draw the curtains? Its too bright." I croaked.

"Miss, it is night fall, there is no light," she said to me, her voice quiet.

"Turn it off, turn it off, t-turn it off," I cried.

"Miss, please calm do-"


I could hear them whisper incantations and silence my voice, my lips opening uselessly.

"Why is she not unconscious yet?" I heard the woman silently say.

"I do not know, but if the order were to find out that we are keeping a mong in our midst we would be gutted, you know we cannot afford to have these types of people holding us back, we are disadvantaged as it is against 'he who must not be named'," a man had replied with cold bitterness.

Did he say 'the order'?

"Severus, look! Her eyes are chidden black!"

I squeezed my body shut, my flesh going numb once more and the feeling like every cell in my body was breaking and disintegrating VERY present.

3rd person

"Dear Merlin the girl apparated!"

"Impossible! Nobody can apparate on the grounds of Hogwarts!"

"But she did! I swear by Merlin the girl was bleeding one minute and then she vanishes!"

It was this very argument between Armando Dippet and Persephone the portrait that caused a roar to occur within the Hogwarts staff the following day. Sylvia Bevenson left a blood soiled carpet by the entrance of the quiditch grounds to then be found (by the accounts) in the Slytherin dungeons with her wounds tended to and healed only moments later, however she had severe burn marks crusting her eyes which Persephone and many other portraits agreed hadn't been there before.

However if there was one thing they can agree to was that the students were not to be told under any circumstances.

"Albus will question the girl himself, with Merrythought assisting him if she is found to be under any black enchantments," Dippet declared, dismissing the portrait to her original position and the remaining professors.

"Albus may I have a word?"

"Of course," Albus nodded.

"What do you make of this?"

"I believe it is simple, the girl is a top potions maker and may have dabbled in the more, um, advanced area of the library, she is eager to prove herself being someone who has skipped three years of lessons." Albus lied. He knew he wouldn't be able to out right tell Armando that she is also a lightly one, knowing his opinions on mixed creatures. It had been very hard to tell Dippet to allow Hagrid the half giant into the school, so he deemed it unnecessary to inform him of Sylvia when he had been sorting through admissions.

He supposed Dippet's laziness was a quiet blessing.

"I see, but does this not allow Grindlewald a way to enter the castle?"

"No, because the particular potion she had used, if I am correct, can only cause you to travel within the boundary lines. Grindlewald will have to be within the castle previously, also you see she had puncture wounds from attempting so."

"Then how were her wounds tended to and healed?"

"Armando, magic is a very complex matter, she may have had the solution to her first round of wounds, but her eyes had been burnt as a result of it, no? So you see it is impossible to go in and out of Hogwarts and go about your business normally. I will question the girl and she can explain herself to me, no need to worry." Dumbledore bluffed eloquently without even a stutter.

"Yes I was reaching the same Hypothesis." Dippet said.

Dumbledore was dismissed as well and went to the hospital wing to find Sylvia, to explain her story this time, both the one she had to tell and the one she had been through.

Author's note

Sorry no Tom today, but he will be in the next one, he isn't as thick as Dippet, might be a little suspicious and go asking questions ;-)

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