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A/N: Please do not copy, steal or pretend this story is your's, if you do I will come down on you like the Hulk fighting Lokie.
Also these are actual places in Romania!
Enjoy and Thanks xx

Rose P.O.V

Walking to the buss stop was part of my usual routine to get to school. Sometimes it was boiling hot, raining, freezing cold, trudging through orange leaves, or continuously sneezing from the flowers pollen. Thats what you get when you live in Victoria, Australia, you experience all the seasons.
Right now it was Autumn, some of the trees around me were Ever Green, the rest had orange, red and yellow leaves that fell from their branches. The path was hidden under the leaves and some people had raked their garden so they had a few piles. I remembered when I was younger I would jump into them with Sianne.
Sianne is my best friend and has been their since the beginning, like we were literally born and hour apart. But we're not related. She accepted my love for supernatural just as I accept her love for nature.
I felt a strong cold wind rush past me and it blew up all the Autumn leaves that were lying on the ground. I was only wearing black tights, our blue and black school shirt and the schools wind jacket. I wrapped my jacket closer around me and I rubbed my arms. I had my headphones in my ears listening to 'Firestone'. It was one of my favourite songs, I sung the lyrics as I walked.

I'm a flame
You're a fire
I'm the dark in need of light
When we touch, you inspire
Feel the change in me tonight
So take me up, take me higher
There's a world not far from here
We can dance in desire
Or we can burn in love tonight

Our hearts are like firestones
And when they strike, we feel the love
Sparks will fly, they ignite our bones
But when they strike, we light up the world

Our hearts are like firestones
And when they strike, we feel the love
Sparks will fly, they ignite our bones
But when they strike, we light up the world
We light up the world

We light up the world
Oooh oooh
Oooh oooh

I'm from X, you're from Y
Perfect strangers in the night
Here we are, come together
To the world we'll testify

Our hearts are like firestones---

I stopped singing as I saw the buss stop about a yard away, but the song continued to play in my ears. I saw Sianne standing there with a dark red woollen scarf wrapped around her neck. She wore a black wavy short skirt with black stockings, plus the school shirt. Sianne's brown hair was long tucked under her scarf, she has beautiful tan skin any girl would die for and from memory, crystal green-blue eyes, a little button nose between her cubby cheeks. To be honest I was jealous of Sianne, she was beautiful, and un-awkward around people.

We didn't need to bring bags to school as we kept everything in our lockers and brought food at the canteen for lunch. Sianne was talking with the other boys that were in our grade.
As I took my next step I didn't feel my foot touch the ground. I felt something hold me tightly around the waist, I didn't panic as the darkness surround me. I was picked up off the ground then flung onto something hard, I took in deep breaths and tried looking for an opening but it was sealed. My head phones had fallen out of my ears and were hanging out of my shirt.
"Oww" I wined and rubbed my head
I heard a slam then three more, after I heard the sound of an engine. "What?" I whispered, I could feel the car accelerating. Kidnapped? Great.
"Um hello?!" I yelled out, I had to stay calm "Its hard to breathe in here! .... Anyone?!" I leaned against the wall and I felt the top of my finger feel around a hole, it was only big enough to fit one of my fingers. I started moving around in the sack I was in so the hole was at my eye. I looked through it and saw that I was in the back of a van. There was rope next to me and a few large tins of petrol. I looked behind me and saw three bobbing heads, in front of the back seat. "Hey, I can see you theres a hold in the bag you put me in" I said keeping calm, I didn't know how this would end but I'm strong, I know I will survive it.

"Then breathe through it" I head a deep voice say, I guess he was male. I also noticed he had a touch of a Romanian accent through his Australian one.

I moved over to the back of the seat and started pounding at it with my back. "Oi cut it out" Another male voice snapped, I saw the guy in back seat turn around. He had brown dreadlocks and dark green eyes and he sounded English but slangly.

I heard the roar of the car exhilarating then I felt my self being jolted back, my head hit something hard then I blacked out.


Alex P.O.V

It sucked being tied to one vampire fan girl, trying to scare her was seriously hard. But she was pretty cute when the 'scary' thing came at her, she was more amazed than anything.
I knew her mother, Veronica, she was a witch and her husband, Zac, Rose's dad, new magic but never used it.
Before Rose was born I was inline to be king of Romania, top position in council, head of soldiers, about to take my fathers place. I also had a pretty hot future wife - arranged marriage of course. But as soon as Rose was born everything changed. Axel, Jesse and I were in Bucharest, Romania, after getting a letter to meet some werewolf for a new land agreement and on our way home we passed the hospital, I heard Veronica literally scream a spell as she gave birth. I had never heard of it before but when we got back to the palace we got Anton my butler to help us find that spell. Axel was the one to find it and we read it over, it was a bonding spell. But a every old and strong one that never gets used anymore, mostly because there is no cure to break the spell. A month later Veronica, Zac and their baby, Rose moved to Morwell Australia. Veronica and Zac are Australian but were on holiday when Rose graced us all. The out of no where Jesse, Axel and I found ourselves in Australia hiding in the shadows, watching little Rose grow up. We weren't sure if the spell Veronica used was for us, but us vampires were smart enough not to go knocking on a witches door while taking care of a screaming child.

My Kingship to Romania was put behind me until Rose was oldernuff to join us, and after a long and painful, yet sometimes humorous 16 and a half years it was finally that time.
We had become acquainted with Veronica and Zac and they knew Rose would have to leave so I could become king. They just didn't know when or were and that was the only way we could try and scare the little thorn.
We knew Rose's school routine, 6am wake up, quick shower, get changed, do hair, have breakfast, make lunch, brush teeth, then leave by 7am. She would get to the buss stop at 7:15am and leave at 7:25am. Right now its 7:11am and I parked the van at the end of the path, where the trees stopped growing. A few leaves had fallen on the front window, I blew them off with a flick of my wrist. Jesse saw Rose walk out of the tree path, she was listening to music and singing. She wore black tights that outlined her legs, her blue and black school shirt that she has worn since grade one and a school wind jacket. I flicked my wrist and I created a strong cold wind that passed right through Rose, she pulled her jacket around her and rubbed her arms. I noticed she stopped singing. Do it now. I spoke to Axel and Jesse through their minds. They nodded and got out of the car, Axel was holding a large bag and a zip-tie. I got out of the car and opened the boot as they put the bag over the thorn, zip-tied it up and threw her in the boot. I slammed it down then we got back in the car and drove off to the airport. This is going to work right? I heard Jesse in my mind.

Yes. I replied, maybe I don't know.

Just hope we don't get our asses whooped by a couple of witches. Axel thought

"What?" We heard Rose, "Um.. Hello? Its hard to breathe in here?!"

I told the boys to ignore her. We heard rustling coming from the back, "Hey, I can see you theres a hold in the bag you put me in" She said.

Don't turn around boys. I told Jesse and Axel. I saw in the review mirror that Rose was banging on the back seat where Axel was sitting. "Oi cut it out" he turned around and yelled at her.
What did I just say?.. I snapped, I stepped on the acceleration to make the car jolt, I heard a thump then there was quiet in the back.

Sorry, she wouldn't stop. Axel apologised.

I shook my head, What a stupid girl.

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