Take Over

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Rose P.O.V

I looked over at my clock, 1:27pm, I heard a knock at the door, "Come in" I said swinging my legs over the side of my book nook. The door opened to show Jas holding a letter.

"My lady" he bowed, "This has been waiting for you"

I stood up and stepped forwards, a second later I was standing in front of Jas at the door.

"Thank you" I smiled

Jas bowed then left, I ripped open the side of the letter and pulled out the light blue paper within.
I smiled to myself as I looked over Sianne's letter. I walked back over to my book nook and sat down and read the letter.

To Rose
I would love to come down for holidays but we are running a bit low on money at the moment so maybe another holiday, sorry bub xx
Is Axel that guy with the dreadlocks? I don't clearly remember their names but all of them were seriously hot, sexy, handsome guys. God bless their parents.
Btw you stopped showing on the tv and the last time you were it said you were found and in good health.
Do you think I would be able to become a vampire? Because your my best friend and everyone else here are fake bitches, and I love the Idea of having a best friend forever! xoxo
All the power things seem amazing! Im so jealous.. <3 but the hunting thing I'm not so keen on.
Arg I just miss you like crazy, I miss being with you in person. Having a long distance relationship is like being with a ghost, they're there but there not actually with you.

Love Sianne


I smiled to myself at the last part, I miss you more. I folded the paper in half and set it aside.

Snowy was scratching at the window, I looked down outside and saw Alex standing at the edge of the forest smiling up at me. He nodded his head to the forest then jogged into the trees.
I petted Snowy then ran out of my room, down the hall, the steps, out of the foyer, through the garden and into the forest.

"Where are you?" I asked out loud

"Over here" Alex said

I ran through the forest looking for him, I stopped and searched for him. He was running between the tree branches. I looked up and saw Alex ran above me, I jumped up and landed in front of him.

"What are you doing?" I asked smiling

"Getting things off my mind" he smirked

I looked into Alex's blue eyes, he stepped forwards to me smiling.

"Hows Snowy?" Alex asked

"Shes good" I said

"Shes getting bigger now" he nodded

"Yeah" I said

"Hows king duties?" I asked

"Boring" he smirked and stepped closer to me, we were less then thirty centimetres apart.

"What about the wedding? Hows that going?" I asked

"Alright I think, Celine has everything organised" Alex looked down at me his face was inches from mine. "I don't even like the girl, shes blinded by jealousy and money."

I felt relieved that he didn't like Celine.
Wait no what am I saying?

"Oh" I breathed, "Who do you like?" I asked, "The king must marry a Queen"

Alex smiled, "I know" he said, he lifted his hand to my cheek and tucked my hair behind my ear. He leaned in and pressed his lips on mine, I closed my eyes kissing him back. It felt amazing, I swear for a moment I felt my dead heart beat once more.

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