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Rose P.O.V

I woke up, wearing an oversized black t-shirt with the Firestone logo on it. I sat up and tucked my hair behind my ears, I checked the time and saw it was 8:26am.

Its been a week since I've been here, and I've spent most of that time in my room. Ive read most of the books on my shelves already. I do go to dinner, and breakfast and the servants bring me ham and tomato sandwiches for lunch with a cup of water each day. Everytime I go out, I get lost and call for Axel. He finds me and takes me back to my room. Axel and Jesse come around almost all the time and we talk about our lives, we mostly their lives because they know absolutely everything about me. Ive asked about my parents and Sianne but they change the subject, I've looked for a phone changer but theres none.

I swung my legs over my bed and waddled to the bathroom for a shower.
I took my clothes off and hopped under the warm water, this was the only satisfying warm thing here. I drew flying bats on the steamy glass, as I let the water wet my hair. I washed it with the strawberry shampoo and conditioner, I felt my legs. "Ewwwww, why so hairy.." I said to myself. I slid the shower door open and all the steam slowly vanished, I opened the cupboard door and found a razor. I got back into the warm shower and begun to shave my legs and arm pits. I rinsed myself off, got out and dried myself down. I put on my black baggy jennie pants and my bra. Plugging in the blowdryer, I begun to dry my hair. In the cupboard was all the bathroom essentials which was very useful.

Axel and Jesse barged into my bathroom, "Are you okay?! We smelt blood"

I jumped and dropped the blowdryer, "Jesus christ guys, you almost gave me a heart attack." I bent down and picked up the blowdryer and flicked it off.

"And Im okay. Im not bleeding?.." I frowned confused, I grabbed my shirt and put it on.

"Your ankle." Jesse said looking down

I looked down at my ankle and saw blood dripping down the side of my foot. I grabbed some toilet paper and sat on top of the toilet seat holding the paper over the cut. I looked up the the guys to just see Axel standing their. In a blink on an eye Jesse was kneeling in front of me putting a bandage on my cut ankle.

"Thanks, but you didn't have to do that, it would have stopped" I said standing up and putting the bloodied toilet paper in the toilet and flushing it.

"Yeah but bandages are just easier." Jesse smiled

"K cool, so can I finish my bathroom duties?" I shooed the boys out.

I turned the blowdryer back on and continued to dry my hair. Once I finished I put the blowdryer away and tied my hair into a ponytail. I walked out of the bathroom and saw Axel sitting in my book nook and Jesse reading one of my books. My belly grumbled and Axel and Jesse looked at me.

"Breakfast timeee" Jesse grinned and put the book away.

We walked out of my room and down the stairs. Then back up more stairs. Jesse told me that all the bedrooms where in the west wing, where I was staying. The kitchen was in the north west wing, the north east wing was out of bounds and the east wing was for council meetings and its full of offices, books, news papers, old vampire stories and dusty things.

The kitchen was shaped like a  backward 'E', the bar seating area was in the middle of the room facing the counters, fridge, stove, microwave and dishwasher. Looking to the left the wall was just one big window that looked out into the Romanian forest. Left corner was a small round wooden table with comfy chairs, On the table was a vase of white roses and the news paper. But everything was written in Romanian. 
I sat on the bar stool and rested my hands on the white and grey marble table top. The floor had large white tiles and it contrasted with the dark brown cupboards. Axel started making me jam toast and Jesse pored Axel and himself a large cup of blood, then he gave me a cup of milk chocolate.
I raised my brow at him, this is a first. I thought, knowing they would hear me. Jesse smiled and put the chocolate milk back in the fridge.

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