Chapter 1: Alone

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Krystal's POV:

Shit. That's what the world has gone to. There'd nowhere you can go anymore. There's no one you can trust, there aren't anymore good people left on this damn planet, I take that back there are still good people out there I admit that, but not much, I'd have to say that there is probably 10% of good on this planet, but the other two....the bad and the weak, they have inherited the earth. That's what my brother always said, I still remember the exact day that he told me.


I was in the mini mart that we were staying at, it was the second day of the outbreak, and to be honest I was terrified out of my mind, I was weak back then. I heard my brother Merle come in, my other brother Daryl was out on a supply run, because we were running low on food. Then I hear footsteps and someone sitting down beside me.
"Look I know that your scared, hell I'm scared myself, but this world.....this world that we live in will get us killed, and we will have to do things that we don't wanna do, but its things that we have to do." He says while looking at me, I can feel his stare, I finally have the guts to look up at him, and I can see in his eyes emotions, I can see confusion, exhaustion, and something that I would have never thought that I would have seen in my brother.....I could see that he was scared, my brother merle, the Merle actually scared. He sighs ""Okay what I'm trying to get at Lil sis is that the good people die, they always die, and the bad people like me do to, but the weak people, the people like you and Daryl yall will inherit the earth." He said for the first time with passion in his voice. Till that day it had finally hit me I'm gonna die, Merle is gonna die, and so is Daryl but I just gotta learn to deal with it.

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