Chapter 2: Am I really safe?

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Krystal's POV:


"PLEASE DAD!! STOP!! I screamed in so much pain.

"YOU NO GOOD PEICE OF SHIT!!" he screamed at me while kicking me over and over again. That will leave bruises.

He kicked me one last time berfore almost going out the door from my bedroom.

"You should've died with your mom that day" he spat at me with so much anger in his voice before leaving the room while slamming the door behind him on the way out.

He wasn't always like this. My dad. We actually used to be a pretty happy family. Until my mom started smoking, drinking and doing drugs. My dad would just drink away, not really harmful. Daryl would just either be out hunting. And merle.....well there's not really much to say about him, other than he's just a big jackass that would get high practically everyday. Then there's me. There isn't really much to tell about me other than the fact that of course you know already....I get beaten, and bullied. One day my mom was smoking in bed, and at the time I was with her, but i was still a baby. They said that she had fell asleep on accident while the cigarette was still lit, and that by the time the firefighters came, they said that it was too late for her, because she had already been burned alive. Apparently they said that they sti ll had time to get me out, but I just have always thought that I should have died and not her, I don't deserve to live. Whenever my dad would come home drunk, (which i'd have to say was pretty much every night) he'd just beat me I would just always get back up cover up my bruises and get ready for school in the morning, then go to bed, but one night I can't forget...was the first night that he beat me. He came home one night drunk as usual, but it was different, he was more drunk than like he had been, and then the next thing that I know, is that he started beating me. Ever since that day I would pretty much get beat regularly, even if I just had broken something by accident, or got him something that he didn't want, or even just not doing anything wrong at all...that was what I just got beat for now, just by accidentally breaking my alarm clock. I get up and walk into the bathroom, when I get in I look in the mirror and lift up my shirt only to be left with bruises starting to form. I sigh, and then look at my face and then arms, I notice that I have a black eye that is starting to form, great now I'll have to cover that up too before school today. My best friend lilly knows about the beatings, but i always tell her not to tell anyone, because he can go to jail, and then I won't have anyone to take care of me, but she always seems to ask how I deal with it, i then tell her that... I have my ways to deal with it. All of it.

I then walk out of the bathroom and walk into my closest, and get my box from the top shelf. I then open the box and get out my 'little friend' and walk back into the bathroom. I look into the mirror and put the blade too my wrist. I start to push down. Then a little harder until I can feel the blood oozing from my wrists.

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