Chapter 3: DARYL!!!

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Krystal's POV:

I woke up to unfamiliar voices in the room. I'm trying to open my eyes but I'm just way to exhausted to. The only thing that I could make out was a deep voice like the man that I ran into in the woods. I finally had the strength to open my eyes, and I saw that oi was in the same bed that I was in when I first woke up. Then I heard footsteps. I quickly close my eyes to pretend that I am asleep. I hear someone by the cell bed.

"We know your awake"said a deep voice

"Open your eyes. Now." The mans voice demanded

I obeyed. I opened my eyes slightly to see the same man that I saw in the woods. I think his name was rick, is what Hershel said.
He just looked at me for a moment and then sighed.

"OK so I talked to some of my group and they said that if you pass the test then you can stay. There are 3 questions that I'm gonna ask you okay?" Rick said. I just nodded for him to ask me.

"First question. How many walkers have you killed?" He asked

"More than I can count" I stated

"Second question. How many people have you killed?" He asked again

I was silent for a moment not wanting to tell him the things that I've done just to survive.
Then I started to was for survival. You had to do it. He would've killed you.....or worse. Right? Right?!

"Hello? Hey!" Rick said in a sternly voice that brought me out of my deep thoughts.

"Oh. Huh?" I asked confused about what we were talking about.

"I said how many people have you killed?"Rick said.

"4" I said emotionless.

"Why" he asked while furrowing his eyes looking straight into mine. Im tired of this, why does this guy think he can just come in and start asking why I killed 4 people?! Well because I had to OK! Its just something that you have to do to survive now days.

I just stayed silent looking at him dead in the eyes, totally ignoring his question. I had just decided not to answer that question.

"Why?!" He screamed frustrated with me not answering. Fuck this he wants to know soooo badly?! Fine! I'm tired of this shit.

"Well for starters I came across 3 men who were trying to steal my supplies, so I told them to go ahead as long as they leave me alone, but no they just wanted more, they wanted me and my supplies, they whispered things to me in my ear, I wasn't just gonna let them do things to me! So I gave them one last chance, and do you know what they did?! They just laughed. They laughed like they didn't give a shit what a little 14 year old girl would do to them, so I did what I had to do. I killed them. I'm not proud of it but I did what I had to do to survive! Then my bo-boyfriend, he got bit and turned!! I watched my own boyfriend get eaten alive for me1,and turn! Do you have any idea what that feels like?!?! So there are you fuckin happy now that I finally fuckin told you my life of the damn apocalypse?! Huh?!?!" I screamed my eyes flooding with tears.

He just looked straight into my eyes. His look of anger suddenly turned into a look of sympathy. Well fuck him I don't need nobody's damn pity!

"I-im sorry" he said

"The hell you are! If you ever make me do something like that again I'll blow your damn brains out." I said calming down a bit. He just nodded knowing not to cross my line again.

"Well krystal... Um you answered the 3 questions... So um you can get dressed and meet everyone in the cafeteria." He said while getting up and walking out of the cell. I nodded and thanked him.

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