Chapter 4: Friends?

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First of all I'm giving a ShoutOut my friend !!JORDAN PATEL!! If your not following her then your just crazy loco!! She has really good stories and updates as much as she can!! So go follow her and vote on her stories!!


Krystal's POV:

There I was with Carl Grimes...was I really about to kiss him?

"No!no!no! You can't! He'll just die like everybody else!" I thought to myself

Then like a flash of lightning a walker bit Carl on the neck.

I quickly crawled over to him and cradled his head in my arms.

"No! Carl, please you have to stay awake! Please don't leave me!" I screamed while crying

" Please help me" He said with tears in his eyes. Then he started to close his eyes and I knew that was the end of Carl Grimes. Like I said. Everybody dies.


I wake to the sound of a big bang.      

My eyes open and I quickly grab a hold of my knife that I keep beside me every night.  By the time I grab my knife and turn around to see who it is, Carl is standing there with his hands up in surrender.

"Jesus Krystal! Put that thing away!" He yells.

I put my knife down. "Damn it Carl, you scared the living shit out of me!" I scolded at him.

"Calm the hell down, I just dropped a book." He stated in yet another rude way. I don't know what in the world his problem is. I mean seriously, your telling me to calm the hell down. Well news flash buddy, we're in the freaking zombie apocalypse! You can never calm down with drooling freaks surrounding you.

"Whatever" I replied and got out of bed.

I then saw rick come into the cell. " Hey, I'm gonna need you two to go on a run and grab some things for Judith." He said. I never really met Judith, all I know is that she's Rick's daughter and Carl's sister. She looks around maybe... A year old. I wonder where her mom is. Maybe I should ask later.

"Yeah, sure I guess" I sighed very loudly like a three year old. I looked over at Carl and saw him roll his eyes. "Seriously dad, Your making me go with her? Okay, you have got to be kidding me!" He said pointing his finger right in my face. I slapped it away and he gave me a slight smirk. What the hell was that?! Gosh, he can be such a damn smartass sometimes! I can't believe I had a dream about kissing him! EW!! I've only been here for 5 days and I'm already dreaming of him? What's going on with me?!

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