Chapter 22

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Justin's P.O.V.

"Don't tell me to fucking calm down!its one thing to say shit like that about her, but another to be posting pictures of her, and oh, now commenting on her pictures telling her she deserves a better man, and that he will end up fucking her better?! Shall i stay calm now?!" I yelled at scooter who was just shaking his head.

"Justin... There is nothing we can do right now, your flight to Norway leaves in 2 hours and you still need to go to the photoshoot ," he ended opening the door to the studio exit.

"Are you cool with this?!" I argued. How could he be so calm, he knew Christian used to be my best friend, and the fact that he's gone and done this.

"I never said I was cool about this, its disgusting how is speaking about Gabi but right now, we can't let him effect your career okay? I'm not saying don't be mad, I'm just saying, let me handle this, you just get to your photoshoot" he replied, nodding at me he left the studio shutting the door behind him.

I groaned angrily throwing a vase of the table and to the floor. I put my hands on the back of my head walking back and forth trying to calm down.

I grabbed my phone and went on the one contact I didn't even want to speak to right now, I called Christian.

It rang and rang and he didn't pick up, again, I left him a Voicemail trying to be clam but sounded way too angry. I left the studio storming past paparazzi and in to my car. I drove back to my house and went and opened the door shutting it behind me, "Babe?!" I called out, listening for a reply.

Everything was silent which made me start to get mad, had she left even though I told her not to?

I went in to the kitchen to see she wasn't there, I then went in to the living room, the TV was on but I couldn't see Gabi anywhere. I walked closer to the couch and leaned over a little to see her laying on the couch, sleeping softly, Esther was cuddled up around her arm, I couldn't help but smile.

I took a picture of her, just because she looked so cute cuddled with Esther.

I walked round the couch and crouched down next to her, "baby" I whispered, even though I was saying that to Gabi, Esther woke up jumping up. I smiled grooming her fur before kissing her and letting her of the sofa, she went running out the living room possibly to go to the garden.

"Princess, wake up" I said a little louder, caressing her cheek. She frowned in her sleep, stirring a little bit before she finally woke up fluttering her long eyelashes as she opened her eyes.

She looked up at me and tiredly smiled at me "You're back" She muttered through a yawn. I smiled nodding "Are you still tired baby? I was gonna ask you if you wanted me to drive you back to your place... But if you're tired you can go back to sleep" I responded moving her hair out of her face.

She smiled shaking her head, "No its okay, I need to get back anyways" she replied. I nodded standing up, she sat up rubbing her eyes before standing up and folding the blanket she had over her she picked her phone up before turning around. I took her hand and led her out, licking my doors I opened the door to my car for her and she got in.

I got in before backing out of my gates and driving off down the route to her place.

"So I have a photoshoot now, but be ready by 7 and I'll pick you up for the airport okay?" I said once I had parked outside the building.

She nodded running her hand through her hair "Alright, I'll see you later" she mumbled

"Oh and baby," i stopped leaning closer to her, "Dont worry about this Christian drama... I'm sorting it out so don't stress" I ended pressing my lips against hers, she pulled away slightly before nodding "Okay" she replied before pulling away. I smiled at her before she got out the car and left.

Once she got inside the building I drove off.

Purpose |Justin Bieber| •Sequel to: To The Moon & Back•Where stories live. Discover now