Chapter 27

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Gabriella's P.O.V.

"Goodluck" I grinned kissing his cheek. He smiled at me before he adjusted his mic and walked in to the stage. The screams from the crowd was crazy.

"God they are loud" Scooter exclaimed making me laugh.

"Let's go watch it from the screen" he said dragging me along with him. We sat down on the couch in front of the TV screen that was showing Justin performing from all angles.

"He's doing good so far" scooter muttered as I nodded. He hadn't messed up and he looked really happy when he was performing.

Once he was on his last song, he went up to the start bit of the stage and was about to dance but stopped when he looked down at the floor. Me and scooter from were we were sitting couldn't see anything that was on the stage floor but Justin left the stage and went back with a t shirt.

He just started cleaning the stage with his foot but for some reason the people in the crowd kept on pulling on the shirt he was using to clean and kept on asking them to stop and let him clean but the girls in the front row kept trying to take the shirt, or touch his leg.

"You know what, leave it, I'm not doing the show" He said through the mic before he walked away. He threw his jacket off and walked past us angrily slamming the door to his dressing room.

"I'll go" Scooter said, I nodded hoping he was okay. He looked so angry. I watched the screen to see the stage lights went off and the dancers started coming off.

"Do you know if he's coming back?" One of the dancers asked me.

I shook my head "I'm not sure... He's pretty mad" I replied. He nodded before walking off with the rest of the dancers. I turned around to see scooter walking out of the room

"Yeah... You might be better talking to him" He said, quickly shutting the door. I nodded walking over to the door, I don't know why I was nervous but I hoped he was a little less angry.

I opened the door slowly, I saw a broken vase on the floor and also broken glass with water soaked in to the carpet. He was sat on the couch, staring in to the air, doing nothing.

He looked over at me before he looked back, I shut the door "Justin" I sighed walking over to him.

I went and sat next to him, tucking my legs under me sitting on my side whilst he just sat staring straight.

"Don't be mad" I muttered putting my hand on the back of his neck, gently caressing it.

He turned his head, looking at me with a blunt expression, "What is wrong me?" He asked in a whisper, I was so confused.

"What do you mean?" I questioned frowning.

"Why do I keep messing up... Every time I want to change and be a better person... It fails, I fail... Why?" He sounded so distraught and upset it hurt me just to see him like his.

"Justin, you don't fail! Don't say that! You know you've changed and you know you're doing a good job at it... So why are you saying you are failing?" I asked, getting annoyed at the fact that he actually thought he was going back to his 'old ways' and letting peoples judgement get to him.

"Its so hard... Being constantly watched, when I'm trying my hardest not to fail... Not to be who I was last year, but its so hard when there's people out there just waiting for me to fail, just waiting for me to get back to my old ways..." He ended looking down at his hands shaking his head.

"Are you seriously going to let them idiots get in your way of being a better person? Think about it, you have an album coming out, possibly a tour, you're already doing so well so whats the point of letting others get to you when you are the one who's doing so much better then what they could ever do, now stop thinking negative thoughts and go do the show" I ranted.

He looked up at to me trying to hide his small smile that appeared, when his cheeks went all chubby and the his dimples appeared that's when you knew it was a real smile.

"I don't know what I'd do without you" He muttered pulling me on top of him, squeezing me tight. I laughed as he wouldn't let go until I literally thought he was going to crush me, he let go.

He kissed me before we left his dressing room, him and scooter exchanged a few words before he went back on stage dancing and singing his heart out, I stood backstage by the exit bit were he would walk on and of from.

Standing with my arms folded I couldn't help but smile at him performing, he just looked so happy and his voice was a true gift.

Purpose |Justin Bieber| •Sequel to: To The Moon & Back•Where stories live. Discover now