Chapter 29

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Gabriella's P.O.V.

I wrapped my towel around my body and went and stood in front of the sink and began brushing my teeth.

After I finished brushing my teeth I was about to put my moisturiser on my face when the door opened, Justin walked in. I looked at him through the mirror as he approached me with a smirk.

"Can I help you?" I joked, turning around to face him.

"Mhmm" he smirked not giving my a chance to reply, he pressed his lips against mine, passionately moving in sync he placed his hand on my leg slowly moving it up before he pulled away, kissing my jawline down to my neck, sucking licking and kissing on my sweet spot making me moan in to his ear.

"Mhm Justin stopppp, I have to get ready" I complained pushing him of off me. He frowned like a little kid kissing my lips over and over.

He finally left the bathroom and I was able to finish off, I put on my undergarments before wrapping the towel around me again and leaving the bathroom.

Justin wasn't in the bedroom now and I was able to get ready without him staring at me or anything.

After doing my makeup, I straightened my hair and put it in a half up half down pony tale before going to my suitcase and digging through trying to find something to wear.

I finally picked out a white round neck, no sleeves crop top and a pair of white high waisted cotton shorts with a black lining. I out my clothes on before I went and picked up my black Vans sneakers.

I left the bedroom and went in to the living room, Justin was in the kitchen on a call to someone. He wore a pair of black jeans, and a black shirt that had a bands name on it along with his circle mirrored sunglasses, his style was something I loved. I sat down and put my shoes on, tying my laces.

"Yeah we're leaving now, see you there" Justin said down the phone before walking over to me. "You ready?" He asked once I stood up. I nodded yawning still tired for some reason, he laughed taking my hand before we left our room.

We got in to the elevator and waited, the doors opened and we walked out we met up with the body guards who went over the instructions yet again.

Finally, we were able to leave, Justin kept his arm around my neck pulling me closer to him.

The screams went louder and louder as we walked through, paparazzi all up in our faces, there lights almost blinding me I kept my head down occasionally looking up at my viewers who would call my name, I would smile at them before we got in to the blacked out car.

The ride wasn't that long and we got in to the building quickly.

Once we got in they gave us these ID cards that were attached to a neck thing were we put around our neck. Right before we were able to go in to the actual booth to start the interview, scooter bought us to a room to go over some things.

"These guys are known to ask pretty weird and sometimes personal questions. We've asked them not to go too deep since this is just meant to be fun but if you feel uncomfortable just tell them and they will stop, other then that, Justin make sure not to mention anything about the billboard photoshoot" He explained to both of us.

After getting everything clarified and sorted, we went in to the booth were there were 2 men and 1 woman each of them hugged and greeted us politly.

"Thank you for being here, how are you liking Spain?" One of the men said, his name was Philep, he had a Spanish accent to his English but it wasn't something we couldnt understand.

"Yeah its been great" Justin replied as I nodded. We were sat on spinny chairs opposite them, I had a mic set up in front of me and so did Justin and so did they but they sat opposite us, it was like a typical radio show that was also being filmed.

"We are joined by Justin Bieber and Gabriella Dail everybody" Maria, the women said in to the mic.

"So first we want to talk about your shows Justin, you are here to do some shoes and I believe you are leaving to the UK next?" Maria asked looking up from her notebook that had her questions on possibly.

"Oh yeah I'm doing little shows, we just got back from Norway and it was really good, and well Gabi is not going to be going to the UK with me but I have another show there so yeah" Justin explained, for some reason, they exchanged some glances and be and Justin just looked at each other in a glance feeling kinda uncomfortable.

"Oh Gabriella is not coming? Why not?" The middle guy, Nigel spoke up, he had a really big Spanish accent and I could tell he didn't know much English but tried.

"Yeah, I have to go back because I have meetups that I'm doing so" I replied, I felt so uncomfortable right now because Nigel just stared at me dead in the eye and it was creepy so I tried looking anywhere but his eyes.

"Ah, so do you guys spend much time together? Since you are both particularly busy" Maria questioned, I looked at Justin waiting for him to answer.

"Not really, I mean she's with me in Europe right now" he answered and they nodded.

Nigel began speaking in Spanish to Maria and Philep and they both laughed nodding before turning to look at me and Justin who were confused and getting frustrated.

"Nigel is asking who is most controlling in the relationship? Do you argue a lot?" After Philep said that, I couldn't quite believe he was so comfortably asking that question, didn't he think that was kinda personal? And that we might not want to share that?

Justin quickly answered "What d'you mean? I don't think that's really... Er relevant" I glanced at Justin once he sat that, he looked annoyed and ready to argue if needed.

Philep translated back to Nigel in to Spanish and I tried not to roll my eyes, if they were going to act like this why did they even invite us? They sounded so in organised.

"So Justin, you have been doing a lot of Photoshoots recently, clearly you have been working out a lot, how do you get that perfect body that you have?" Maria blatantly flirted with him twirling her hair in her finger fluttering her eyelashes I was speechless.

I sat back glancing at Justin who looked at me and back at her "Just a lot of cardio and stuff" he replied bluntly, clearly wasn't going to fall for her flirtatious trap.

"Do you enjoy working out? Getting built and stuff?" She added, did she ever stop?

"Built? I just like to stay fit and healthy" Justin replied, slipping his hand under the table and putting his hand on my thigh glancing at me.

"Alright so we have questions for Gabriella here, can I call you Bella?" Philep really weirdly asked. Bella wasn't even in my name.

"Um, Bella?" I questioned.

"Oh it is what we call the pretty girls here in Spain" Nigel replied smiling at me, I felt Justin grip my thigh obviusly annoyed by this dude who was way too creepy for me.

"Er, you can just call me Gabi?" I said wanting to just hurry up.

Purpose |Justin Bieber| •Sequel to: To The Moon & Back•Where stories live. Discover now