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They're sitting in front of the TV, it's a little past midnight and outside the moon reflects against ocean water like a painting, Lana sits with her feet tucked in her boyfriend's lap, nose buried in a notebook as she scribbles out additions to it while mumbling under her breath.

Channel surfing, Francesco looks over and observes her tap the pencil against her bottom lip, recently dyed black hair messily spilling out of the ponytail she'd pulled it into early that evening."What are you writing about?" He inquires when she huffs in frustration and balls up yet another piece of paper.

"Monologue for the honeymoon video." Lana explains without looking up, "Nothing's coming to me right now."

"Maybe I can help with that." He raises an eyebrow and lets his fingers trail up her bare calves, "You know, you really need a break.

She laughs, lifting her feet off his lap and standing up, she places a lingering kiss on his cheek before sticking her tongue out playfully, "Nope, we already did that. Twice, in fact."

"Third times the charm," He calls out, watching her hips sway as she walks over to the fridge. Fran picks up the discarded notes and reads through them until Lana's back and handing him a bottle of pepsi. "These are great, by the way."

"No they're not," She blushes and tries to reach for it but groans when he pulls it out of reach. Reaching again, she's nearly sitting in his damn lap and grabbing at his too long arms with a pout permanently painted on her face.

"Oooh I like this one," He grins when she hits his chest, not enough to hurt but enough to know she's getting pissed off at his behavior, "You really need to rethink your decisions to scrap these."

"It's done, I don't like them." Lana argues, suddenly running her hands up his sides and sliding her feet down his calves. Looking up from the writings Fran's greeted by hooded eyes and a smile.

"That's cheating, you only do that when you want me to do something." He protests, still not handing over the papers.

"I sure do want you to do something." Lana purrs in his ear, trying to distract him enough to snatch the offending object from his hands. "Come on you know you wanna..."

"... N-no."

"That's not what no feels like."

"I know what you're trying to do and it won't work because I'll just give you the paper and you'll go away and leave me alone and miserable."

She fakes a shocked expression and presses both hands against his shoulders, "When on earth have I ever done such a thing?"

"Last week!"

"Let go," Lana pulls down her hair, "Relax," She moves around on his lap to pull off the blue sweater she'd been lounging around in, revealing a white tank underneath, "Come on and play with me Daddy."


It's only after the grand event that Francesco mentions it.

"That's the first time you called me that, I mean, called me daddy."

"Oh." She keeps tracing patterns on his sweaty chest, "Do you mind?"

"No no no," Fran reassures, "It's hot, really hot. I just was wondering why you haven't before."

It's quiet for a moment, "I use to call Barrie that. Didn't want to fuck up this relationship like all my other ones."

"It's not your fault," He states, twirling strands of Lana's long hair in between his fingertips, "They didn't know what they had."

Neither do you, Lana thinks as her eyes start to drift shut but instead says, "Goodnight Fran."


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