02. Parallel

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"We're home!" Cas shouted out. Who was he talking to? Cas walked into the dining room whilst Sam and Dean stayed by the front door gobsmacked that their house was still here after all these years. Cas came back into the hall. "Are you guys coming? They're waiting!" Sam turned to Dean. "Who are waiting?" Dean shrugged his shoulders.

They followed Cas into the dining room anyway even though they had no idea who was here. They thought it was the new owners of the house but they were wrong. They stood speechless when they saw who it really was.

At the dinner table sat, John Winchester, their dad, Mary Winchester, their mum, Jess, Sam's old girlfriend, Adam, their half-brother, and now Castiel. Dean placed a hand on Sam's shoulder then sat down next to Adam before Mary piped up. "Dean you're next to Castiel." "But-" "No buts Dean, be nice." Dean got up and sat next to Castiel. He still couldn't believe his family was in the same room as him.

Dean whispered loud enough for only him, Cas and Sam to hear. "Cas are we in heaven? I don't remember dying." He laughed. He turned to Adam. "Adam how did you get out the pit with Lucifer and Michael." Mary hit him round the head with a towel. "Dean no speak of the devil!" Dean rubbed his head. "Ouch." Sam laughed.

After dinner, Dean went up to his old room and found his stuff in it. Castiel followed him up and closed the bedroom door. "Dean? Why did you ask if you were dead?" "Because our family's there Cas. Mum, dad and Jess died and Adam was taken into the pit with-" "Lucifer and Michael, I heard." "Look Cas I-"

"Shh Dean." Cas placed a finger on Dean's lips and sat beside him. "We have time for talking later." Castiel leaned in and kissed Dean passionately. (See photo) Dean kissed him back but realised what he was doing and pushed him off. "Dammit Cas what are you doing?!" "Kissing you...?" "Obviously...but why?" "You're my beautiful boyfriend that's why, now come here." "Boyfriend? I'm not gay."

Cas laughed. "Dean don't be silly, everyone knows now and you don't need to hide it." Dean cursed under his breath. "Son of a bitch! That demon must have sent us to a parallel universe." "What was that Dean?" "Oh nothing, and Cas? Don't tell Sam about anything of this, and this will probably be over by morning so I may as well tell you this instead of keeping it bottled up, but I kind of enjoyed that kiss. I mean you're a pretty good kisser...for a guy." "Not so bad yourself Dean." Cas winked.

Dean ran his fingers through his hair and went back downstairs to find Sam. He found Sam in the lounge kissing Jess. "Sam!" He half whispered, half shouted. "Sam come here, it'll take a sec." Sam sighed deeply and kissed Jess once more before following Dean into the kitchen. "Sam I think I figured out what happened, we're in a parallel universe." "So? Mum, dad and Adam are alive, as well as Jess. This universe can't be so bad can it?" "There's probably a catch, what about all the demons and monsters?"

"I don't know Dean. We can figure that out tomorrow, but right now I want to enjoy a night with Jess if you get what I mean." Dean rolled his eyes and went back upstairs. Cas was waiting on the bed in just his underwear and was spread out. "Hello Dean." He said in his deep raspy voice. "Cas put some clothes on." "Dean you sound troubled, would you like a massage?"

"No I wou- actually yes. Don't tell-" "Sam, got it." Dean laid on his stomach and Castiel starting rubbing his hands over Dean's back. "You have a really nice back Dean, especially this dip." Cas ran his hand lightly down his back. "Woah Cas easy there, lets get some sleep okay?" Castiel nodded and slipped into bed. "Stay on your side Cas."



Bit of Destiel for you all. I know I love Destiel. How about you lot?


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