11. Heal.

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Castiel ran over to Dean and lifted him up so that he was leaning against Cas. "It's gonna be okay Dean, I can call an ambulance, you're gonna be okay." Dean weakly smiled at Cas. "It's not Cas, I'm losing blood far too quickly, I-" Dean paused momentarily to cough up blood. "I'm gonna die Cas and I guess I can live with that, well not live...but..."

Cas let a few tears fall onto Dean's face before wiping his eyes. He stared down at Dean for about five minutes, totally lost in the moment. "Dean you can't die, I love you." Dean smiled. "Cas...I-" (See photo) Dean stopped speaking and his eyes drooped shut.

Cas cried out. "No! No! Dean! Wake up baby, don't leave me! It wasn't supposed to be this way, I can't lose you." Cas called Sam to let him know what happened.

Cas sat in silence, the only sound was him crying. Cas heard a faint voice. "Castiel..." He shook it off due to him being in a traumatic state and all, but he heard the voice again, the voice that sounded oddly familiar. "Castiel..."

Castiel tried to think where he knew the voice from, then it hit him, it was his voice. Castiel looked around him but saw no one. "Castiel listen, I'm in an alternate universe but I have a witch who is allowing me to speak to you, I need you to listen carefully."

"Deep down, you're an angel. You have healing powers." Cas honestly thought he was going mad. First, his boyfriend dies and now his own mind is playing tricks on him. "You need to heal Dean, focus on good health, focus on getting him better, maybe if you gain enough power you can save him."

Castiel honestly thought he was delusional but he would try anything to make Dean alive again. He placed his hands on Dean and tried so hard to bring him back, he was trying hours after Sam turned up, hours after it got dark.

Sam pulled Cas' hands away. "Cas, this isn't working, we need to try something else." Castiel tried once again to listen out for his own voice, the same voice that guided him before, that gave Castiel hope.

"Castiel, this isn't working. You're Dean's boyfriend so maybe love is the key. You need to focus all the love you have on Dean. You would do anything for Dean, you would die for him, that's what part of what being in love makes you feel. Focus that energy on Dean, this might just work."



I think the next part will be the last but I'm sorry this is a short chapter anyway, it felt right to end it there.

Will love be enough? Cas has never brought someone back before, so what makes this any different?


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