Alfie Deyes one shot

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(Y/N) = your name

You were finishing your last shift for the week at Starbucks, and there were no customers, when suddenly this cute boy around your age walks in looking really sad. But his face suddenly lights up when he sees you. I think i like him already, you think. "Hi, how can i help you?" You say, and smile sweetly at him. "Could i please have a raspberry frappucino? With extra whipped cream." He answers. "Sure," you say, "What's your name? Cos, you know, there are so many people here that i might mix your order up with someone's." You say, sarcastically. "Ha ha, very funny, now i know that you just needed an excuse to know my name. It's Alfie," he winks at you, "Alfie Deyes, and you?" His wink nearly made you melt, but you quickly recover:         "(Y/N). Just (Y/N)." You quickly make him his frappucino, and hand it to him. "Wow, thanks, that was really quick!" Alfie remarks. You sigh, and run your fingers through your hair. Even though this boy was handsome, you really wanted him to just leave so that you could close up for the day. You were so tired. He slurped down the last bit of his drink, and placed it carefully in the bin. "Hey, um, (Y/N), i know we only just met, but do you wanna, like," he blushed, "um, hang out some time? Like maybe we could grab lunch together?" You pretend to think about it, and then decide to toy with him. I am so cheeky, you think to yourself. "Sure," you reply, winking, "Can i bring my boyfriend too?" You ask innocently. His smile drops, and he stutters out "Y-you h-have a b-boyfriend?" "Um, yeah," you reply, "Didn't i mention him? He's a boxing champion, and omg, he is SO protective of me! Haha, he even once beat this guy up so hard, just for asking me where the toilets were! LOL!" You fake laugh, and wait for his reaction. His jaw clenches, and he starts to leave. Um, this is isn't what you were expecting. You drop the act, and run after him. "Alfie! Alfie, wait!" He turns round, red faced. "What?" He says, coldly. "Oh my gosh, i am so sorry, i was just kidding! I don't have a boyfriend, i am a single pringle." You wink, and he chuckles. "So is that a yes?" He asks. You frown at him confused, and then you realise what he means. "Oh yeah, sure i would love to!" You reply. Alfie smiles and says "Okay then, can i have your number so that we can arrange a date?" You blush, and give him your number. "thanks, bye!" you both say in unison. You walk away in opposite directions, and then when you are sure he can't see you. you hide behind a bush and spy on him, lol you are definitely very cheeky ;)  You see him get out his phone and dial a number. "Oh my god, Marcus," you hear him say, "i just met the most beautiful and funny girl ever! And i asked her out, and guess what? She said yes! I am so happy." He says, laughing. You smile to yourself and blush inwardly. Aww, he is so sweet, you think to yourself the whole way back to your flat.

I hope you guys liked it! Please request, as i have only one so far which is kind of annoying. I REALLY want to do requests as i love writing imagines, so comment on this one if you would like one. 

Michelle xx

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