Chapter 12

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It seemed merely half an hour ago that I agreed to go to Brendan's hockey game. But that was not the case. 5 hours passed to get us to this expected moment. They guys both left an hour ago, which left me alone with Anna. Since I did not have the teams jersey with me, she said that it is crucial for me to wear one of her's. So I had my Galchenyuk jersey on over my sweater and my jeans. Which made me look like a normal partisan going to a hockey. But Anna... I guess it was the fashionista in her taking control or maybe the fact that she just looks good in anything she wears because she looked gorgeous. She kept asking if I wanted to add some make up for me to look cuter. But I wasn't having it. I never wore it and nor will I start simply because " People are going to see me with Alex's sister." I am me and shall stay me.

I would love to say that I remembered the trip to the arena. But that would be a lie. While Anna made small talk with me and with the faint sound of Taylor Swift, I kept thinking of why was I lucky to be here. Why did I get the chance to meet Brendan? But honestly, maybe it was the universe repaying me for the shit it made me go through. That it was it's "Good job for surviving... so far". Because let's face it, she will never give you a peace of mind forever nor shall she give you something without her getting something in return. That's life, she lends and expects to be payed back. One way or another, she'll get what she wants.

The whole process of getting our tickets checked and finding our seats passed by so quickly. Almost made me wonder if the security worker's gave us special treatment. I quickly forgot about it because I was startled by the loud bang. I looked at the direction from where it came from and saw that Brendan was waving at us like a mad man. He was happy. And God, I don't know why but that made me happy as well. My hand found the necklace he gave me today and they couldn't help but play with it.

"What was that?" Anna asked.

"What was what?" I shot back.

"You know, that" she said pointing at where Brendan shot the puck at. "And this" She said pointing at me.

"I don't know what you are talking about, he's just a friend." I said.

"Sure and I suppose you act like a little school girl whenever a male friend notices you" She said giving me a knowing look. I sighed not knowing how to explain any of it to her because frankly I wasn't able to explain it to myself what was going on. All I knew it that whatever was going between us was strange, but a good kind of strange. I was about to open my mouth to answer but the MC had asked us to rise for the singing of the national anthems. I sang proudly the Canadian national anthem while she sung the American one. After that, the game quickly started. The Canadiens were playing against the New York Rangers; an original six match up. And if it was like anything like before, I won't be so still in my seat. But I had to try. At least, so I don't ruin Anna's imagine of me.

"The Canadiens lost the puck in the forecheck." They should have fought harder.

"The Ranger's are quick to get into position." They better not score a goal.

"A little give and go happening on the blue line." Someone! Go and stop this before they score on us.

"Staal shoot, but it goes just wide!" That was a warning shot. Go and get the puck!

"St-Louis is quick to recover the rebound." NO! What are you guys doing?!!

"He passes the puck to Nash. Who shoot, and scores! And the Ranger's are up by one, here in the first period."

At this point, I got up from my seat frustrated by the way the team who's jersey I have on was playing. I felt Anna's hand on my forearm. I knew she wanted me to sit down, so I did.

Never Expected This //Brendan Gallagher (#Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now