Chapter 13

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"Great Alpha, what do you need us to do?" asked Adrian. Everyone had stood again, Jayden gravitating towards my side. Hunter, once again, stood on my right side. What is with these boys and me? I thought, but I quickly stopped as the Great Alpha, as she was apparently called, started to speak again.

"I cannot tell you what you need exactly, it would go against the prophecy. However, I can give you a hint. You are on the right path, yet what you need is beyond your reach. It is not fire you deal with, yet it will spread like one. Only the three can put out the flames." With that, she disappeared. Into thin air.

"Well. That went well." Hunter said. I couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or not.

"Yes, it went very well. Especially the part about us being the only ones that can save everyone!" I  shouted at him. 

"Shh, I know it seems bad, but it could actually turn out really good. Like, you know how if a forest fire burns down a forest, you think that it's terrible?" Jayden was holding me from behind, trying to calm me down. When I nodded, he continued, "but the fire actually burns down all of the dead trees, leaving room for all of the new, healthy  trees to grow."

"So you're saying that even though our country is going to be attacked or something by who-knows-what, we can just rise up from the proverbial ashes and be renewed or something?"

"Basically, yes." He smiled down at me, but stepped next to me. He still held my hand, though.

"So, there isn't a real fire?" Hunter asked.

"No. But apparently it spreads like one? What's that supposed to mean?" I hated riddle stuff like that, probably because half the time I didn't understand it.

"Well, ideas spread fast. As do religious groups and stuff like that." Dominic suggested. I forgot that he and the other adults were still here, they had been so quiet.

"What if people decided to make a cult or something? I mean, not in the Forest, but Underground. If that happened, and they found us, it could be pretty bad. Or if the cult thing happened because they found us." It was kind of weird how I was already using the 'we' pronoun to refer to the shifters.

"Hmm, that's an interesting idea. Definitely a good one." Adrian said, smiling at me.


"Could people actually find our island and eventually find us?" Hunter asked. "I mean, people found America and Greenland and places like that. So, they could find us too, right?"

"I suppose that it's possible, but we've been here for five centuries, maybe more, and we still remain undiscovered." Lily told him.

"Oo-kay," Hunter said, ending his sentence like a question.

Jayden stared at a wall, deep in thought. "Does someone smell smoke? Because Jayden is thinking." I teased.

"Hmm, what?"

Everyone burst out laughing. Well, everyone except Jayden, who looked confused. 

"Uh, anyways, I was thinking. About what Hunter said about people coming here. I mean, if they did, and found the Moles, then whatever they were told could be catastrophic to us. The Queen already hates us, it's not your fault Nix" - he said when he saw me about to protest - "and if she finds the people that find Blaze...." He stopped, letting us see his path of thinking.

"Yeah, definitely won't be good." I suddenly sobered as I thought of what that could mean for us if that happened. Please, Great Alpha, don't let that happen. Please don't let that be what we save our people from.

I didn't expect a response, but I got one anyways. Just two words. I'm sorry.

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